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Yuuri woke the next morning in the arms of a Russian angel, his husband Victor. He was quietly admiring the calm mans perfect skin when he had a large stomachache, tearing off the warm arms that held him close to his husband he sprinted too the bathroom. Victor worriedly ran towards the master bathroom too find his husband hunched over the toilet in tears. They just assumed it was from the fish they ate the night before and went too there daily practice.
The vomiting and stomachaches continued for a few more days and Victor began to worry for his significant other and made a doctors appointment for the next day. The day came all too quickly for Yuuri because he had a big fear of doctors and needles Victor literally had to pry his hands from the door and drag him too there car, locking the doors Victor drove away.
"Doctor I don't know what's wrong last Thursday morning he started vomiting and getting migraines and stomach aches throughout the day" Victor said shaking the doctor simply laughed at the clueless couple "Mr Nikiforov it seems your husband is pregnant with a child, I can run tests if you like?" The next thing Victor heard was a large thud and woke up in a hospital with his husband in tears next too him "Yuuri what happened where am I?" Asked Victor with fear in his voice "Victor your in the hospital you fainted remember" Yuuri said with a slight giggle and covered the blush on his face, Victor moved his hand from his face and gave him a small kiss leaving the man flustered "Yuuri did you do the tests, are you really pregnant with our child?" Yuuri broke into tears and ran out of the room Victor yelled after him with no luck, he pressed the button on the remote by his bed to call a nurse too his room, "Miss could I please see the doctor that ran tests on my husband earlier?" "Of course Mr Nikiforov" the nurse hurried out the the room towards the nurses station down the hall and said over the loud speaker "Doctor Thompson you are needed at the nurse station ASAP" she wondered back too Victors room with a wide smile on her face "Doctor Thompson is on his way" she looked out the door towards the nurses station to see a slender figure looking around the halls with a confused look on his face when he saw the bright smile of the young nurse beaming at him, slowly he made his way towards the small room of his favourite patient. "Ahh Mr Nikiforov I assume your husband told you about the tests we ran" "no actually that is why I asked for you, is he alright he ran out in tears when I brought it up would you care to enlighten me?" "Oh" "oh, what do you mean OH" "mr Nikiforov I assure you everything is fine please do bot raise your voice people have to sleep you know" Victor glared at the man in front of him with his icey eyes. "Im worried please tell me I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW YOU BASTARD" "o-of c-c-course Mr Niki-Nikiforov" he said stuttering because of the terrifying man that is still glaring at him with determination tobcrack him "Yuuri, your husband as we guessed is carrying a child although he us terrified of your reaction when you were told so he begged me to not tell you, he said he would do it when he was ready." "Yuuri is a boy how is this even possible, ITS A MIRACLE!" "Uh..." Victor looked at him with a confused expression on his face and already knew what the next question would be. "Yuuri also asked to not tell you of his health problem, you see Yuuri was born with a womens reproductive system but also a Penis, this quite rare and I have never seen anything like it" Victor tore the cords frok his arm and ran out of the small room in tears screaming "Yuuri Im coming" doctors and nurses chased after the patient with no luck, Victor was determined to console his husband and NOTHING WOULD GET IN HIS WAY.

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