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— beatrice pov

  I played with my red curls as i searched the school for Devin. Wilmeris and Brianna had an idea that something was going on between us.

Me and Devin's relationship is very..exclusive, although we don't want our friends to know. We feel it would be super awkward to be that couple in the friend group.

I spotted Devin speaking to Will and i nearly leaped for joy. I ran to him and grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

"Really?! You couldn't wait till he was done spilling the motherfuckin tea?" Will hollered at me.

"Sorry, Will!"

"Sooo, i'm guessing you want to talk?" he asked as he was being pulled outside. I didn't respond as i made our way to the huge oak trees behind the school.

I stopped and ran my hand through hair while taking a deep breath. Devin stared at me and a smirk slowly crept up his lips as he stepped closer to me.

"So you couldn't wait till 3th period, huh?" he stroked my cheek and grazed his lip over mine.

"Devin..." My mouth was silenced as he pressed his lips against mine, filled with passion and emotion. I didn't resist as i closed my eyes, leaning into him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he gripped my waist and gently pushed me back against the tree behind me. My hands found his hair, my fingers tangling themselves in his black curls, having him groan in response.

"Wait, wait, Devin.." I had slightly pulled back, taking in short breathes. "I think..i think they know."

"Who knows about what, baby?" he dipped his head to the crook of my neck and placing kisses all over my neck before giving me a love bite.

"Wilmeris and Bri..about us."

He stop the flattering neck kisses and raised his head up to look at me.

"Dude, did you tell them? I thought we were gonna keep this on the down low."

"I know i know i'm sorry i mentioned kissing and there were assumptions..which are correct." i said as i rubbed my arm up and down.

Devin pinched the bridge of his nose. He was clearly bothered by the situation.

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I swallowed the lump of guilt that clogged my throat and looked away.

Devin looked at me and sighed. He hates seeing me upset in any way.

"Hey. It's not your fault ok. Look let's just act like nothings happening between us ok?" I nodded in agreement.

He pulled me close and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I closed my eyes and rested my cheek against his chest, being able to hear his heartbeat and the smell of his musk cologne filling my nostrils.


— anita pov

I opened the door to the cafeteria and the smell of warm, doughy, bread striked my face. There were quite some people but it wasn't entirely crowded, at least not yet.

I looked around to see Lukas sitting at a rounded table by himself. He was looking down at his phone, minding his own business.

I sat myself across from him and thought about the things i could say.

"Early bird too, huh?" I mentally punched myself in the face as i said that. Lukas looked up at me. I searched his eyes to see any sense of emotion but there was none to find. He looked back down at his phone as if i wasn't there.

I bit the inside of his cheek and sat there quietly waiting for the rest of the group to arrive.

"Hey sis." I looked to see Wilmeris and Beatrice sit down beside me.

"Hey," i said smiling slightly. "You guys good? You look stressed."

"No, i'm so tired of these fuckboys and fuckgirls trying to fuck me the fuck over." Wilmeris said in frustration.

"Princeton really just fucking tried me a minute ago. Let me tell you i'm done with him for sure." Brianna added.

"Yea well that's what you said the last time Bri." Will said as he sat down with Axel. "And the time before that and the time before that.."

"Shut your bitch ass up i'm not in the mood."

Will snickered and pinched her cheek.

"Girl, you know i'm just playing with you."

Beatrice and Devin came in a rush and slightly out of breath. I raised my eyebrow at them as Brianna snickered before clearing her throat.

"Sooo, where were you guys?" Axel asked while sipping his soda.

Devin and Beatrice looked at each other, before Beatrice tucked her head into her hoodie.

"Uh, w-we were finishing up a math quiz mhm." Devin replied.

Nice save.

Wilmeris and Brianna told me their suspicions about what was going on between Beatrice and Devin. I think they would be quite cute together.

"Were y'all fucking or something?" Will joked, chuckling.

The whole table went silence. Brianna closed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment. Devin opened his mouth to say something when uneasy breathing was heard. I looked over at the direction of Beatrice.

"Um, i think she's having an anxiety attack." i said with concern.

"I got it." Devin picked up Beatrice and carried her out bridal style.

"I hope she gets better. That was really nice of what Devin did for her."

"Yea, he's a really good friend." Axel said.

I heard a low chuckle that i've never heard before. It was from Lukas. Not that it was weird or anything i've just never heard the guy make a living sound. Makes me think he's not human.

"What's so funny?" Brianna asked. He shook his head, not answering the question. He then looked at his phone and got up.

"Where you going?"

He looked over at Wilmeris before his eyes met mine.

"Nowhere important."

                         Published: 4/30/18

Do you guys ship Devin and Beatrice? Honestly i do and i didn't think i would ship anyone sbsn.

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     - sam

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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