Bad Dream

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Jolting up in fear Karkat realized it was all just a dream. To be fair it was a memory that turned itself into a dream. More of a nightmare actually, and it all had happened. After that John had found him at a ledge over the lava and had apparently had been leaning forward and was about to fall before he caught him. Hugging him he had been crying uncontrollably as a possible mental break down. John didn't leave him and that was the bringing of their possible morail ship.

It took a while for Karkat to get over the death of Gamzee and even longer to accept John as his morail. John's patients never failed even when the others had lost their temper with him. John had then got Karkat to apologize to everyone for his long trial of 'unpleasantness' for lack of words. He was forgiven.

Since then he had been living like the humans, in one of their beds and even participated in some of their holidays. Now Dave was his bro, as in friend, Jade acted funny around him, and Rose was getting out of her depression as well. Rose particularly was a big help as he lost everything but she lost a matesprit.

There were some things that he found the humans had right that were so much better than troll life that he had before. For one thing they had Christmas, a day to give everyone presents. They did a 'secret Santa' thing and he got Rose. He asked Jade to help him get some of his needed materials. He made a hairband out of knitting needles with an ironic fake rose.

When it was said that he got a present he couldn't believe it and hesitated before opening it. From Dave he got an ironic sweater because Earth was much colder than Alternia and it was winter, and a pair of shades of his own that looked liked his but when put on you couldn't see anything.

He didn't write a card and regarded the day as stupid when she gave him a hug. That night they had watched Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer and Santa was more explained to him. Everyone wrapped in blankets and having just finished hot chocolate Jade leaned on Karkat's left arm who leaned back against the couch. With John resting his head on Karkat's right shoulder as Dave took up the rest of the couch.

Karkat had stayed up that night as everyone slept and waited for Santa to arrive. When the others finally awoke the next day they said it was childish but he simply said he didn't want anyone kidnapped by a creepy old man. As they went to put awake the dishes they found him asleep on the couch, John then won a bet with Dave that he did look calm in his sleep and Jade regarded how peaceful he looked. Like he was having a good dream. Rose simply covered him with her blanket to hide how he was wearing his new sweater.

So far life was getting better but he refused to let his past life go. When ever possible he would compare out loud how troll life differed and so both races learned.

Because he would do that Rose made him a necklace of chain and three beads. The middle one was gray and the two on either side of it was green and purple. It was Alternia.

Sometimes, just sometimes, he would smile.

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