Chapter One ~ A year later

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Dear Nobody,

It's been one year since the accident. A whole 635 days since they left this world. Everyone says it will get better, but I'm still waiting for it to get better. I'm starting to think they are saying that because they actually don't know what to tell me anymore or how to act around me. To them, I'm just the broken and lost girl. I'm just the lone girl. The girl who no ones cares about.

Yours Truly, Maddie ~

I tossed and turned all night long. But no matter how hard I tried to sleep I couldn't. So I gave up on sleeping and rolled over onto my back. I look up at the ceiling. I feel a tear fall from my eye. I closed my eyes and my mind flickers back to the night the accident happen.

~Mini Flashback~

"LOOK OUT!" I yelled out. But just as she went to turn around, it was to late. I turned on my heels and ran to the closet bush. I dialed in the number that I knew so well. ~Ring Ring~ "Maddie, you need to run now. By time this phone call is over, it will be to late for me. I want you to run to the closet house and go inside and tell them everything. Ok? Do as I tell you. I love you Maddie." ~Gun shot in the background~ "NO!" I yelled out, tears falling down my cheeks.....

~End Of Flashback~

I open my eyes and sat up, the tears falling down my eyes. I get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. I turn the light on and walk over to the tap. I turn it on and splash some water on my face. I turn the tap of and walked over to the towel rack. I dry of my face. I turn the light of and walk back over to my bed. I sit down and grab my phone. I unlock it and go into my photos. I scroll up until I see my favorite photo of me and them. We are all happy and have big smiles on our faces. I go out of the photos and check the time. I saw that is was almost one in the morning. "Crap." I whispered to myself. I turn my phone of and lay down back down. I shut my eyes and tried to get a few hours of sleep before I woke up for school. 


A/N; First chapter! What do you think of it? What could I do to improve? Comment all of your thoughts below..... What do you think happened to Maddie? Comment what you think! 

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