Chapter Two ~ Falling Asleep In Class

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I woke up at 7:30. I rolled onto my back and let out a groan after opening my eyes. As soon as I opened them, I instantly felt tired. Today's gonna be a long day. I could already tell. But it would somehow be the same as all the other school days. I sat up and put my feet onto my wooden fall. I stretched my upper half body by lifting my arms above my head. I then stretch my lower body. After I've done stretching, I stand up and walk over to my bathroom. I walk over to the shower and get undress. I open the shower door and step in. I turn the hot and cold water taps on and fiddle with them till I get it the way I liked it. After that, I let the water fall over my body, putting every muscle at ease. I wash my hair and my body. After doing that, I turn the taps of and walk onto the shower mat. I wrap a towel around my head and then one around my body. I walk out into my room, making my way over to my walk in wardrobe. I step in and look around. I pull out a light blue ripped jeans and a black, fluffy jumper to go with it. I walk over to my bed and sit the clothing down. I dry myself of and get dressed. I sit down in front of my mirror and brush my long, wavy, black hair. I pull it up into a messy bun. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I walk over the cupboard and pull out a box full of corn flakes. I grab a bowle, a spoon and the bottle of milk. I pour some corn flakes into the plate as well as some milk. I dig my spoon into the cornflakes and put it into my mouth. After I finished eating brekkie, I wash my dish and spoon up, put everything back where it belongs and grabbed my school bag. I walk out onto the front proach, shutting the door behind me. I walk over to my black mustang. I open the door and chuck my bag over onto the passenger side. I sit into the driver's seat and start the engine. As I listen to my car come to life, I plug my phone into the stereo and put on my favourite song, Gasoline by Halsey. Once I had that on, I put my seat belt on and put the car into gear and zoomed of for school.

I pull into the school car park and park my car under a shady tree. I unplug my phone and grab all my stuff. While getting out of the car, I notice the schools playboy had yet manage to fool another girl with his charm. They have been warned to stay away from him. Do they listen? No. Therefore I have no pity for them. I shut my door and lock my car. I make my way across the car park and into the car park. I walked up the stairs and went to my locker. I open my locker draw and put all of my books in there. I shut the door and turn around. I walk into my first class, English. I sat all the way up the back and put in my headphones. I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes. I had already done what we were doing, so it wouldn't hurt if I dozed off for a few minutes.....

I felt something poking at my arm and I lifted my head up. I open my eyes and saw that the classroom was empty, no teacher or student in sight. Expect for one. I turned around in my seat to see who had awoken me from my sleep. My eyes went wide once I saw who it was. Logan Smith. What was he doing here? Did he see me looking at him this morning from my car? All these thoughts were rushing through my head while he was pulling my headphones out. "Hey, class is over, thought I would wake you before the class comes in." He said, standing form his seat. I gave him a little smile. "Thanks." I said, putting my bag on my shoulder and walking out of the classroom. Just as I walked out, the bell went of. Great, now I don't have any time to eat. Oh, well. At least I had breakie. I make my way to my next class, Photography. I walk into the room and take a seat down in the back corner. "Today we will be talking about...." The teachers voice sound disappeared as I felled asleep, again. I really should learn to sleep at night time.

Dear Nobody,

You wanna know what's a good idea? Of course you do. Who doesn't want to know a good idea? Anyways, as I was saying. A good idea would be to sleep at night time, especially when you have school the next day. Then you will be able to stay awake in class and pay attention. So, grab a pen and paper and write this down;

Note to-self: Always sleep at night time, especially when you have school the next day.

Yours Truly, Maddie~


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