Abandoned - [Y/N] POV

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The road was foggy, and I could barely see my hand in front of my face let alone the stoned path that connected the gate to the front door of the manor. Everything was dusty and dull, dark and foreboding, it sent goosebumps down my neck and arms. I grabbed what looked like a knocker and banged it against the heavy door. Nothing, not an answer.

'Did they know of my arrival?' I ponder to myself attempting to decide if I should wait in the approaching storm or barge my way in and see if the door is locked.

Thunder crashed and I jumped, startled by how close it sounded. 'Rude or not I can't catch my death out here, not in this place, not alone' I decided to push the door, which barely moved, but it moved none the less. After gathering my strength, I gave the door another forceful push and was able to squeeze my way through the opening.

The room was dark, cold, haunting. 'Who can live in a creepy place like this?' I caught myself almost saying it aloud. The entryway was gigantic, but it reminded me of the early vampire horror movies, the ones where the girl falls for the evil creature and he seduces her into allowing the handsome devil to drain her of her life. I can't believe I'm stuck here, I'm going to live here, but more importantly where was everyone?

Walking further into the manor I saw a figure laying across a dark loveseat. I walked closer, my curiosity getting the better of me, although in a place like this it will most likely get me killed. As I approached I saw a handsome, no not handsome straight up sexy young man spewed across the sofa.

"His hair is so bright like the color or fresh blood, its gorgeous." I whispered .

Suddenly his eyes opened and they revealed a shade of green I didn't know existed. I gasped as his hand grabbed my wrist and suddenly we had switched places. He hovered over me and stared almost through me. I blushed and turned my gaze, embarrassment filling every inch of me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"[Y/n]...nice...to...meet you. I could barely speak, he was still holding me down staring. It was rude and revolting, and almost... thrilling.

"You belong to Your's Truley now!" He chuckled at me. His face grew closer to mine and all I could do was avert my gaze. He leaned his head to the side and as he was about to place his mouth on my neck someone called to him from the staircase.

"AYATO! Is that anyway to greet a guest?" A strange dark-haired man scolded.

'Aya...to, this was the name of my handsome sadist.' I found myself blushing again at the thought of calling him mine.

"Reiji! Don't undermine me in front of my new prize." His prize? He called me his prize, I was told to come here for the church and he thinks I am his prize that he can do what with? Play with, maybe even worse, what was that even worse going to be? So much ran through my mind.

Ayato released me as the tears started to slowly appear in the corner of my eyes. He scoffed at Reiji and walked to the wall leaning against it as if he were a kid in timeout. I need to thank Reiji.

I turned to Reiji, "thank you." I coughed out still trying to catch my breathe. However he simply laughed at me. I don't understand.

"You think I care if you, [y/n] live? If you are okay? You think I care about a lowly human as yourself?" He exclaimed.

'Wait did he just say human?' Terror filled my eyes as they widened.

Suddenly four other young men appeared, two of them were standing so close beside me. They were sniffing me, staring at me with a sireal  killer smile plastered on their faces. I wanted to run, but I made a promise to the church to be here. Why was I here?

"Little bitch, you smell so sweet with all that fear pumping inside you." The fedora wearing man smiled.

"Teddy wants a taste." A child called out as his eyes changed from innocent to dark and disturbing. He was holding a teddy bear in arms, and he of all of them looked the scariest.

"A new bride?" A voice from behind asked out. He was blonde and wearing headphones. I don't think he could've heard the answer with the music blaring from his ears.

"Yes, the church has provided us with a new bride to be." Reiji nodded.

A scoff came from a pink-haired man sitting at the top of the stairs. He didn't seem the least bit interested, he almost seemed bored.

"It doesn't matter cause [y/n] belongs to me. I found her first, I claim her." Ayato yelled. His voice was demanding, and terrifying.

I was so shocked I couldn't feel my weight being lifted off the ground. Ayato from behind lifted me like his bride and started to carry me upstairs.

"Where are we going?" I screamed but he only laughed at my frustration.

"Put me down!" I began to sway my arms and kick my legs in an attempt to escape, but he is too strong.

"Enough! Continue and I will punish you my sweet rose."

'What did he mean by punish?' I felt myself slump back into his arms defeated.

'Why am I here? Why would the church abandon me in a hell such as this? Why did they forsake me?' Tears were flowing down my face as we appeared in front of a door. Ayato opened it and dropped me onto a bed. He turned to me, smiling, licking his lips. I cringe.

"Come here!" He demands. I shakenly get off the bed and stumble to him. I'm trying to cover my eyes so he can't see me cry. In an instant he yanks my [h/c] hair and forced my head to the side. A pain surges from my neck and I see his head in the corner of my eye sinking his fangs in deeper.

'Fangs? Am I dreaming? Could this be another vampire moving I'm watching? No the pain is too real. Vampires... this is what Reiji ment when he said lowly human.' My mind started to go blank as the walls of my eyes overwhelmed with tears began to crumble. My face is drenched and I don't think I'm going to live to get any answers. He stops as a tear lands on his head. He pulls away and I take a deep breath, I choke on it.

"Now you see my sweet rose exactly what I am, you will understand your place as my bride. You are mine and only mine, no other shall touch you and you will give yourself to me." He pushed me back to the bed.

"This is my room, I will allow you to sleep in my bed with me. Consider it an honor." He laughed.

I rested my head on the pillow hoping if I fall asleep it will all go away. Tomorrow I have to wake up tomorrow.

I really hope you like my first chapter now there is no lemon yet but don't fret for it is coming soon. This is just the meet and greet and next time you will get an Ayato POV with a little slice of lemon on the side. 😉

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