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Harry sat up on the bed, eyes darting around the room wildly. A floorboard creaked, just yards away. Harry took a scalpel out of his medical bag and waited for something to happen. He could hear his heart pounding.

Suddenly, the mattress dipped. Harry shoved whoever it was off the bed. A deep grunt told Harry that it was a man.

Without hesitating, the doctor pounced on the man. Potter put the scalpel to his neck.

"Who the hell are you?" He hissed, "Answer me before I slice your carotid artery." The door opened and light flooded into the room. The general stood in the doorway.

"Whoa, calm down!" A frantic voice demanded from below him. Harry was able to recognise him with the light.

"Calm down?! How about don't sneak in here while I'm sleeping?" Harry lowered the sharp blade, pushing himself up off Fenir Greyback's stomach. Riddle walked further into the room, smirking.

"You must have good hearing." Potter threw the scalpel on his bed.

"What were you thinking? What if I had hurt him? What if I had killed him?" Riddle frowned.

"How odd, concerned over his safety more than your own." Harry clenched his jaw and turned to Greyback. He held out his hand to the man.

"Are you hurt?" Fenir stared at him dumbly. Harry noticed a small cut on his neck and took a bandaid from his kit. "I'm sorry." He put the bandaid on, nearly having to stand on his tiptoes.

"It's alright, you barely even cut me." The werewolf responded in a dazed tone.

"Greyback, you are dismissed." Fenir dipped his head at Harry and went out the door.

Potter sat on his bed, letting out a very long sigh.

"Why? What was the purpose?" Riddle sat down beside him.

"I didn't know you would be that frightened. I just wanted to see how you would react."

"I'm not frightened, just surprised." Riddle rose a doubtful brow.

"Your hands are shaking." He pointed out observantly. Harry looked at them, not realizing this before.

"Maybe it's more than surprised."

"Severus told me what you were talking about today."


"I've been thinking about it. A truce wouldn't be the worst thing." Harry managed to smile.

"Someone will have to get Dumbledore to agree." Riddle nodded.

"I think you're getting away from here alive."

"Really? You're not just saying it?"

"Of course not. Severus also told me about the thousands of people depending on you and the man with no leg. It would be a shame to keep you from them." Harry laid down, legs dangling off the bed at his knees.

"How long have I been here?"

"It's been two days."

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Feel free to." Harry's lips curled upwards.

"I shot Dolohov nine times to send a distress signal to anyone listening. It was Morse code for 'SOS'."

"Very smart of you. Tomorrow, I would suggest sending a letter to tell everyone that you're ok and to tell them of the truce." Harry bit his lip.

"What if Dumbledore doesn't agree?"

"Who's in second command?"

"My brother." Harry's voice held curiosity.

"Then we would kill Dumbledore, I know your brother would agree." Potter laughed quietly.

"I would ask if you're kidding, but I know you aren't." Riddle laid down, eyes half lidded.

"A little birdie has informed me that you helped Draco Malfoy with his night terrors."

"I did, Lucius asked me to." Riddle turned to lie on his side.

"But you're my captive, why would you help enemies?" Harry shook his head.

"My job, as a doctor, is to heal. It doesn't matter who. Besides, I'm no longer your captive."

"True." Harry closed his eyes.

"It didn't take much convincing to totally change your mind."

"I have reasons for the truce." Potter stretched sleepily.

"And what are those?"

"They don't matter." Riddle picked up one of his hands. "You aren't shaking." Harry hummed softly. "I didn't realize that I was holding you tightly enough to bruise."

"It's ok, sir. Don't apologize, you've already been forgiven."

"Don't call me sir."

"Then it's ok, 'Tom'." Riddle rubbed his wrist gently.

"You sure forgive quickly."

"There's no need to dwell in the past."

"You sound tired." The general commented.

"I am tired." Tom got off the bed.

"Then I'll let you sleep. Remember to write a letter tomorrow. Can I just deliver it with one of my owls?" Harry didn't respond, making the elder wizard frown. "Potter? Harry?" Still nothing. "You must be asleep already." He stood there, worrying that Harry would become cold while sleeping. Tom carefully picked Harry up and pulled back the quilt. "Please don't wake up." He set the dark-haired wizard back down and brought the sheets to his shoulders. "Goodnight, Harry. I promise Greyback won't come scare you again." If Harry had been awake, he would have laughed.

A/N: Hey, readers. I've been in a writing mood, so here's another chapter. (J-)Hope you enjoyed.

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