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Several months later, and things were still the same. Regina and I were living in our love bubble, happily waking up each morning to one another's faces and falling asleep in each others arms every night. Life was a dream, and I loved it.

"I'm fat" Regina declared one day, wearing nothing but her underwear while examining her body in the mirror "I've gained weight, and I'm not pleased" she turned and twisted, looking at her body from every possible angle.

"You look beautiful, Gi. You know that, and you don't even look any bigger" I was being truthful, to me, Regina looked the same as she normally did. She didn't look fat, and she didn't look like she'd gained anything.

"Look at me, I'm practically sporting a pot belly!" Regina exclaimed, turning to face me "look, Emma! I'm fat" I looked, and placed my hands on her hips, smiling at her distraught expression.

"Gia, you're fine. There's no way you're fatter. If anything you look healthier" this part was true; Regina had lost so much weight being sick so much the past year, it were as if she had that rosy cheeked glow about her back again. She looked healthy, not sunken and grey, and it made me happy.

"I have a stretch mark!" Regina all but screamed, pointing to a small mark on her hip. It wasn't large, maybe an inch or two long, and it was a deep purple. Again, I didn't think much of it  at all.

"Everyone has stretch marks" I scoff "I have some on my legs, and you still love me" it was true, I had white stretch marks on the backs of my legs from when I started running and my muscles got larger and larger, stretching the skin out across them. I didn't care, I embraced them as a product of my hard work, and Regina shouldn't have cared either.

"Emma, I don't know how you can't see it" Regina sighed "I don't get stretch marks, I've been religiously oiling my skin up since childhood. My skin is always perfect and smooth, I take time out of my day to make it and keep it smooth and clear!"

She was upset, angry even, which I found odd. Regina wasn't overly mad, it had been months since she'd gotten out of hand angry with me.

"Gia, calm down" I soothed "maybe you're just tired, alright? Why don't we cuddle up and take a nap together, yeah? You'll feel better" I promised, trying to urge her to be rational.

"I can't calm down Emma! How could you ask me to calm down when I look like this? I don't know what's happening to me, and I don't like it!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up and turning away from me.

"Gia" I repeat her name, embracing her from behind and kissing the side of her neck "calm down my love. There's nothing wrong with you, not at all" patience was something I'd acquired quite a lot of with Regina, and her random outbursts (as scarce and they seemed to be lately) were things I was patient with. If it was important enough for her to be upset over, then it was important enough for me to take time to make her feel better.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" Regina sniffed, suddenly emotional "God, I'm losing my mind. Is that offer for a nap still on the table?" She asks.

I nod "of course, love, of course. Let's go get snuggled in"

And that's how we spent the afternoon, snuggled up in bed napping away, without a care in the world. It was my favourite place to be, hands down, snuggled up with her was always my happy place, and it always would be.


"Gia?" I ask her, when we'd woken up hours later. We were just laying in bed together, soaking up each others company and loving every minute together.

"Hm?" She hums in response, twirling my hair around her finger.

"Do you ever want to get married? Have kids?" It was something that was on my mind a lot, something I didn't want to ask in fear of her answer. Of course I wanted to get married, have a kid or two, live happily ever after like everybody else does.

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