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Hello beautiful readers today I finally write. So I'm going to quickly tell what has been happening the past few day/months. One I had a commpition which my team won second place. Second, I got in a talent show and lastly I got myself a girlfriend. :) K on with the story


Being a girl was sorta hard and easy, but i still don't know why i am short. But the most incredible thing of being a girl was that i didn't have to preform or anything of that sort. YAYYYYY.

Soonyoung' s pov

I was watching as jihoon and dokeom flirt with each other. I glared at Dk for the rest of the time. When it became nighttime we all went to our respected rooms.


Jihoon' s pov

I woke this morning and felt......strange. Anyway I washed up and put a outfit on to began my day. I walked out into the hall way and was met with hoshi on the way too. "Well you look cute today, babe" I giggled and I felt my ears heat up a little bit. "Thank you"

(You can choose which one he's wearing )

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(You can choose which one he's wearing )

"Hey would you like to go get some coffee?" "Uhmmm....... sure"  I said 

time skip 

 Me and hoshi was sitting in a café hoshi found. It was a little pass the small city but it was nice and qieut not a whole lot of people there too. We were wearing a mask of course to make sure knowone knew it was us, though know one will know me but whatever. Also this cafe makes art recreations  out of they're coffee. I order one of the art lattes so did hoshi. They were super cute.



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They were really good, even better then they look

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They were really good, even better then they look. As we were drinking them i felt like i was being watch so i peered around. As i look around the cafe, i spotted a group of girls pointing at hoshi, giggling and whispering to each other. Instily i knew they were fangirls. Though they did see me but problembly, didn't know who i was cause of me being a girl and all. Looking at hoshi to see him drinking his coffee with his mask down!

"Hoshi! Put your mask back on NOW." I told him while panicking. He gave me a confuse look with milk mustache on his face, but did what i told him.

I gave him a movement to look around, and when he did he stoped the same girls looking at him. He quickly finish his drink and told me to do the same. After that he quickly got grabbed hold of my wrists and walked out.

Hopefully this is not going to spread something bad.

(But what they don't know is this was a big mistake and will bit them in the butt soon)


I hope you like this sorry for not updating plz forgive me.  Anyway i hope i can up date more for you. Byeeeee

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