Chapter 36

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(Flashback Continued) Beyonce's P.O.V

The past week had been a living nightmare. My house had been completely re-designed thanks to Darius and it was like a prison. Gates now surrounded my property along with extra security to guard them. Cameras were installed around the compound outside as well as in along with corresponding monitors. All forms of communication (computer, fax, two-way and house phone) were removed. A new security system with voice commands was installed but unfortunately it only responded to Darius's voice. Sydney and I were moved from our own bedrooms as well. Darius took over my master bedroom and moved Sydney and I into a guest room on the first floor. We were forced to share a bed but at least we were given sheets and a blanket. Darius picked out everything from our food to what we wore each day. After I put Sydney to bed every night I was forced to fulfill Darius's needs. I had trained my body to go numb and my mind would wonder about a way out when he would touch me but I played along with the scenario.

Today was the first day Darius would be going back to work and I was looking forward to the freedom. He left like we were one big happy family kissing me and Sydney goodbye. He instructed me that he would check with security every hour to make sure we're okay and to see if we needed anything. I closed the door and immediately started my plan. I placed Sydney in her playpen and turned on a DVD of Barney while I set out to find some way to get out of this hell. I searched for anything I could find to help but to no availability.

Two hours had passed and I had grown hungry and tired. I went down to check on Sydney who was still watching Barney so I went into the kitchen to make a snack for myself. As I was fixing a sandwich I heard Sydney cry and I ran to see what was wrong with her. I found her outside of her playpen on the floor crying. I ran to comfort her and try to find out what was hurting her. I noticed a bump and bruise starting to form on her forehead so I took her into the kitchen to ice it down. I gave her a candy to suck on to calm her down while I sat her on my lap and ate my sandwich. I finished up and went to the family room with Syd to watch some T.V. Sydney began to fall asleep again so I decided to lay down with her.

About thirty-minutes into our nap I was startled by the slamming of the front door. Darius was calling out my name which woke Sydney up who was now crying

Get the hell up Beyonce

What's wrong?

What kind of mother are you?

What do you mean?

I got a call at work saying that Sydney fell and hit her head while you were stuffing your face in the kitchen

No baby-she's fine. She did fall but it was an accident

Well then what's about to happen is an accident

Darius grabbed my arm and dragged me into the dining room. He closed the sliding doors and started hitting me until I passed out. When I came to Darius was standing over me with a bag of ice

How's your head?

It was fine until you started beating me in it


Sorry babe. I just don't know why you got so mad

You put my girl in danger so I had to show you how it felt

I didn't mean to and I'll never do it again

I bet you won't and to ensure that fact you can go to your room for the night to think about it

But what about Sydney?

I'll find something to do with her for the time being

No Darius-PLEASE?

Begging is beneath you Beyonce. Now move your ass before you get round two

I slowly moved along as I went to my room. The door was closed and locked behind me as I was left to sulk for the rest of the night. I watched some T.V. for awhile but my mind constantly wandered back to Sydney. I tried to think positive thoughts but I kept thinking the worst. I soon fell asleep but was interrupted by the intercom system


I ran to the system to answer Darius


What the hell is wrong with Sydney?

What do you mean? Is she crying?

No-she's not moving


My mind began to race as I thought about my precious daughter. I wanted to find out what was happening but I couldn't get out of that stupid room




I continued to scream until I lost my voice but Darius never answered me back.......

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