Chapter 4 Some Gory Thriller Movie

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Chapter 4 Some Gory Thriller Movie

My last class ended. I walked out of the classroom feeling a bit excited, almost wanting to squeal but no, just no. I made my way to the parking lot and waited for Nate and his findings on my somewhat secret power.

I found Nate's white car and stood beside it. For a nerdy guy, his wheels were quite sleek and hot, really. My tummy grumbled. Hunger comes to me easily so I always put protein bars in my backpack. I lifted my leg a bit and placed my bag on top of my lap because I wouldn't want to put a scratch on Nate's flawless car.

I rummaged through my things and started to lose my balance. Not wanting to touch Nate's car, I fell off my feet and boom! My things exploded on the cemented ground. My notebooks, pens, my paint brushes, and my thankfully tightly closed paints scattered all over. I picked them all up one by one and shoved them into my bag.

One paint escaped me and rolled to the other side of the car. Following it around, I saw it roll under the next car. I darted to the other side to stop it. Seeing it, I jumped down the floor like a silly frog and trapped it inbetween my hands. It's my favorite paint because it's gold and shiny and Nate gave it to me.

Still squatting on the floor and dusting the paint off, I heard low voices from the slightly opened door of a dark tinted van beside me. The sight of the van itself caught my curiosity and gave me the creeps. No one usually drives and parks a black van in school. What made me listen more to the voices was when I heard the mention of Raver's surname, Mcqueen. I moved closer to hear them better.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's one of Mcqueen's car. The boy will be off the school any minute now," A male voice said with utmost certainty. I looked down under the car to see the one on the other side. I saw a red bumper, enough to know that it belonged to Raver.

"Okay. You know the plan. Take this handkerchief," Another male voice, much deeper, maybe older.

Handkerchief? Oh shit. They're gonna kidnap Raver! They're going to use that chloroform and hanky trick on him.

My heart pounded erratically and fear started to block my mind.

"Do you really think Mcqueen will fall for the trap?"

A much deeper and scarier voice spoke, "No, but we'll kill the kid anyway."

I dropped my paint and let out a little scream in shock but I managed to hold it down with my palm. I moved back as quietly as possible when the door started to slide open. I froze in fear when a middle aged man with a loose hoodie and washed jeans peeped his head out and turned his eyes towards me. But then he looked to other side like he was scanning for something. I was inches in front of him but it was like he did not see me. I looked down and couldn't see myself again.

Two other guys came out. I stepped back a little, holding my breath and lifting and putting down my foot slowly to avoid making a single scratching sound. The other one dashed out to the driver's seat and the other two went to the back of the van and opened it, the other one holding the handkerchief. My hands and knees were shaking.

They left the door wide open. I caught a glimpse of Raver from the dark tinted window. He was walking to his car. The two guys rushed towards Raver. Everything seemed to happen so fast. They grabbed Raver full force and covered his nose and mouth with the handkerchief.

I had to save Raver!

Without thinking of anything else, I hopped inside the van and went to the corner of the back seat. They threw down Raver at the back of the van and jumped back into their seats, one in the front seat, the other one in the middle seat. The driver drove off with speed making me bump my head back.

I think I just committed suicide.

Regret started to sink in when I saw the man in the middle seat pull his gun out and held it in a ready to fire position.

Who would be crazy enough to jump in into a kidnapper's van? Me.

I should have just backed off and just called the police. Thinking of calling, I remembered my phone in my pocket. But then I wondered if it would also disappear when I touch it and if it does, how could I use it?

I had no other plan. I pulled it out and docked down so they wouldn't see my phone light up. At first I could see it. But soon it started disappearing. Before it completely disappeared, I was able to type and send a short message to Nate.

kdnap van

Then I just prayed that he would understand my text. I put my phone back to my pocket and carefully shifted in my seat to check on Raver. His wrists were tied together behind him with a white plastic chord of sort. His chest didn't seem to move.

I quickly stretched my hand to his nose to feel his breath. His breathing was just low. Thank God! I almost had a heart attack. My pocket buzzed so I immediately pull my phone out and read the message as fast as I could before it could disappear again.

call, hide cp bra, track u

I did what it said. I pressed call and put my phone in my bra. Looking out the window, I saw where we were headed. We were almost out of our town where the houses we passed by started to decrease in number. The van made a sharp turn into some shady forest which I was not familiar with. Goosebumps covered my skin. My heart was trying to get out of my ribcage.

The older man in the front passenger seat talked in his low broad voice "We're almost there."

I leaned and tilted my head to see a glimpse of him. He seemed to be talking to someone over his phone. He spoke again, "Yeah, we'll make the call the second we get there. Ready the ropes."

I mentally cursed myself for jumping into this dangerous situation. I guess I loved him too much to not let him go into danger without me. Damn it. I craned my neck and took a look at Raver's face.

Even though the kidnappers carelessly threw him into the van, his dark brown hair remained perfect, like he was a shampoo commercial model. His pale pink lips, topped with a perfectly edged cupid's arrow, were slightly parted, giving a peek of his two pearly white front teeth. His jaw looked really firm and clean, like he just shaved this morning.

We passed by a clear field allowing his face to be partly lit by the tangerine sunset. The sunlight made his skin appear more flawless and definitely more attractive. Having the chance too see him that close made that terrible risk all worth it. But I still felt my heart pounding fast like a horse in a race.

Knowing we only had a few minutes left till we get to wherever the hell they're gonna take us, I started to mentally prepare myself for the worst and thought of what to do if they saw me.

Before I could think of a feasible plan for not getting killed, the van slowed down and stopped in front of a cabin. The engine turned off and the kidnappers jumped out of the van. I looked around and the setting was like the one I had seen in some gory thriller movie. Remembering the movie did not really help, only worsened my anxiety. I was having a serious palpitation. I gasped for air. My vision was getting blurry. Everything looked green and black. I was about to black out.

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