14. |From Her|

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I was walking to class with my physics project when Michael stopped in front of me. He was such a beauty, but ugh such a player, well that was according to the rumour mills but I obviously had no chance with him. Him with his sparkling blue eyes that could make any girl drown in adoration and admiration.


I shook out of my monologue and looked quizzically at Michael, why was he talking to me?

"That's me yeah?"

He smiled and his dimples showed, "Prof wanted me to help you carry the project in. Also I need extra tutoring so I was wondering if you'd mind?"

"Oh thank you, here you can carry the water jugs," I said as I handed him the jugs. "And sure, when do you want to be taught?"

He carried the jugs without a sweat, "Today before practice if you don't mind?"

I nodded and we headed into class with Michael following with my HEP project.


I was waiting in the library penning down my letter to Flynn:

Hey Flynn,

Absolutely enjoyed the mini cakes. Have no clue how they didn't get stolen but loved them.

I decided not to mention the fact that when I came home with them my mother wouldn't stop gushing about me finally finding a boy. So I continued:

I hope everything is going great though! The SAT examination day are coming along, hope you're ready! Also, I wanted to know if I'd ever get to meet you before school ends, or will you always be anonymous?


I folded the pink paper and kept it on my desk. After 5 minutes Michael walked in with his textbooks and a grin. I awkwardly smiled and we got to learning about wave propagation.

Once we were done, Michael headed to his practice while I headed to the bleachers. As I put my note behind he brick I saw Michael staring at me. Once he noticed my stare he smiled and waved, so I waved back and headed on my way home.

Notes from Flynn Rider | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now