17 year old Nyla goes to a party with her best friend where she meets a boy named Ezrah who is 19 years old. They though that they would never see each other again, but they don't know that our world is small enough for them to catch another glimpse.
"You betta get that ass up" my momma yelled from my bedroom door.
I groaned and crawled to the bathroom. And when I say crawl, I'm being deadass. I did all of my hygiene things and then went into my closet to find something to wear.
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"Have a good first day baby" my momma said as she kissed my forehead and I left the house.
I was driving to school listening to Kendrick Lamar and then my stomach started growling. Guess I'll stop at the corner store I pulled up in the parking lot and made my way out the car and into the store.
I grabbed me some Hot Fries, Skittles and a Gatorade and went to the register to pay for it.
"Oh shit" I said to myself.
They were a bunch of dudes standing outside and I was not looking forward to get cat called. I mean it's nice with all the compliments and shit, but they always get but hurt and end up calling me a bitch.
Like oh mah gosh all I am trying to do is get on with my day, not be with a bum that calls girls out they name on the side of the street.
"Hey mamiii" I heard a mans voice behind me say.
"That ass fat, let a real nigga hit" he yelled and his other friends hyped him up.
I just sighed and continued to walk to my car. I was 2 meters away from my car and he said something that made me turn around so I could hear it properly.
"What was that" I said cupping my ear.
"You probably loose anyway bitch" he said tryna be all bold for his 'extras'.
I shook myself off ready to roast this little boy. I looked up at him and his back was facing me while his friends were hyping him up.
"Watch me come over there and-" I got cut off from someone wrapping their arms around my waist.
The guy turned around and his eyes widened. His friends were now quiet.
"We got a problem" a familiar voice said behind me.
I looked up to see who it was and there stood the sexiest mans ever. Ezrah Myles. He looked down at me and we both smiled at each other.
"Do I got to repeat myself" Ezrah said and all the guys looked down.
"I ain't no that was yours" the guy said lowly.
Ezrah just scoffed and walked me to my car. He grabbed my phone that was in my back pocket and held it out for me to unlock. I unlocked it and he started typing something on it.
"I put my number in there, text me if something like this happens okay" he said handing my phone back.
I nodded and opened my car door.
"What you bout to do now mama" he said leaning on my car and pulling me into him.
"I got school and YOU finna make me late" I said getting out of his grip.
"Text me when you get home" he said kissing me cheek.
I nodded and got into my car, so I could finally go to school. I was walking down to my class eating the hot fries that I just bought. I walked into class and sat right at the back where Dakota was waiting for me with her arms crossed.
"What took you so long, I looked stupid in the front waiting by myself" she said as I sat down.
You are probably wondering why I didn't get told off for being late. If you are late in my English class, you have t buy the teacher something. I just gave her the Skittles I bought.
"I'm sorry, something happened when I was at the store" I said smiling, thinking about it.
"It must of been good cause it got you smiling and shit" she said nudging me and causing me to chuckle.
"So I ran into some but hurt cat callers and they was calling on me and shit" I said before getting interrupted by her.
"Shit I would too, looking like a shnack and all" she yelled.
"Miss Mira, can you quiet down please" the teacher said eating the Skittles. She said sorry an looked at me so I could continue.
"The leader of the group called me out my name which made me turn around and ask him to repeat himself. Girl, I was bout to go off on him" I said before she interrupted me once again.
"You should've flamed his ass bro" she said smiling, but I was looking at her annoyed.
"Okay okay sorry" she said pouting.
"Just as I was gone roast his ass, someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I looked up and it was Ezrah" I said biting my bottom lip thinking about him.
"Ouuu, this boy got you hooked girl" she said fanning herself.
I just laughed and looked down cause it's true.
"Anyways, they got scared of him and he walked me to my car and no we're here" I finished off.
"Y'all so cute" she squealed which made me chuckle.
I am now at home and laying on my bed super tired. Oh shit, I need to text Ezrah. Matter face, I wanna Facetime him.
"Hey mama" he smiled as he answered which made me smile as well.
"You told me to contact you , so wassup" I said rolling onto my stomach.
"I'm finna pick you up at 8, so be ready and wear something nice" he said licking his lips.
"Ouuu, you finna take me out" I said cheesing and it made him chuckle.
"Of course I'm taking my baby out" he said which made me blush.
"I gotta go though mama, just text me your addy" he said.
I hung up the phone and just laid down, so I could process this.
"What the fuck am I gone wear" I though to myself...