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I can start war
Or most beautiful love story.
But it is the ending that I dread
For I can carve and draw my name calmly
But the 'z' is always crooked
And Now It has made me believe that there are no endings,
the endings will always be the way you want them to be.
Many times they are just imaginary situations that
make us believe that the story is over...
Now, even the Clock seems wrong and I almost feel like
I'm having a choke on a good byeit. 』

This journey was really joyful indeed
I made many friends on the way,
And I got many readers who are as alluring as you ;)
I am really grateful to all of you
We are at the end and book is #4 at poetry with 10k+ reads
thanks a ton for reading this book and inspiring me to write more.
Love you all
This book ahh it is completed now...
And I would like to inform you guys that there will be no sequel for this book.
And sorry for that but I'll surely come with something new asap!
You all are really one of the best things happened to me.
thankyou so much ❤️

If  the ocean
can calm itself
so can you.
are both
salt water
with  the

༼ Thank you. ༽
༽for reading༼

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