{ chapter four

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Content Warning: This chapter contains minor course language.


"You almost ready?" Stiles asked, knocking on the en-suite door softly and patiently

"One more moment!" I called, smoothing my hands over my jeans and flattening my green, chiffon shirt against my skin. Allison was certainly right, the shirt was beautiful and the green colour really suited me. I smeared a last coat of lip-gloss over my lips and nodded with satisfaction, "Ready!"

Stiles opened the door slowly and appeared in the reflection of the mirror with a grin, "You look lovely, considering we're only going to Scott's house..." He teased, dancing in the background.

"Shut up," I snapped with a grin, shaking my head. I turned around and Stiles lead me out of the en suite, through the bedroom, down the stairs, into the hallway and out of the house. The air was cold and bit at my skin as I pulled a jacket further over my chest. Stiles chuckled softly, almost as if saying 'you might as well get used to that'. He locked the door behind him as I sprinted towards his Jeep, hopping in the passenger seat and hiding from the cold. I looked over as Stiles leapt up into the drivers seat, waiting for him to insert the key into the ignition. I wondered what it would be like to drive a car, but I knew I wouldn't have the skills for such a task.

The drive to Scott's wasn't entirely long; I had learnt that this morning. Although, it gave me plenty of time to wrap my head around things. Scott was Stiles absolute best friend, however Allison was Scott's ex girlfriend, so it would be best not to speak about her. Allison was Lydia best friend, and obviously Stiles had a huge crush on Lydia. Isaac lived with Scott and seemed to have an on-and-off-relationship with Allison? I shook my head and sighed, everything was too much for my brain to register.

I tried my best smile as soon as we pulled up. Stiles looked over and clasped my hand, "Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I murmured, my voice slightly shaking. I pulled my fingers through my hair and finally met his gaze.

Stiles raised an eyebrow, "You've seemed nervous ever since I told you about dinner tonight, is everything okay?'

I raised my shoulders, "Yeah, I'm fine. Its just... I'm not really friends with a certain someone inside."

Stiles went through who it could possibly be, and exhaled a long 'oh', "Isaac?" he asked.

"Yep," I responded.

Stiles opened his car door and looked directly at me, "Look, you'll be fine. Isaac's been through some hard times too; he just finds it hard to get along with people. We're... not the best of friends, but in the end, you just can't hate him."

I didn't respond, I didn't know how too. I couldn't even argue because Stiles was right in a way - and I really did hardly know the truth about Isaac. I leapt out of the car and made my way towards the front door, trying to calm myself down.

"Welcome!" Scott cried as the door flung open. I grinned as Isaac stood in the doorway, and he seemed just as surprised that I was attending dinner when Stiles first told me. His eyes were slightly widened and continued to stare directly at me, "Unfortunately, my mum won't be eating with us. She was called in for an emergency." Scott spoke.

"That should be fine, I'd like to meet her one day," I smiled as I stepped inside the house.

Scott gestured to the hallway, "Take a look around, dinner is almost ready." I wandered helplessly down the hallway at an extremely slow pace, observing the chandelier above and the walls either side of me. Stiles was called into the kitchen while I was left to peer at the frames hung on both sides of the hallway.

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