Everybody has a story, be it that guy at the bar who I just happened to stumble upon one evening after a drunken stupor; or the girl who I found at the base of a tree in Russia; and yet not everybody’s stories seem to get told; so I am to provide you with the stories I know of – and I can say that I know of many – and I am going to justify you that even though some stories may seem irrelevant, boring at times, they are not; nobody’s stories are, and they never will be. For humans, the fragile creatures they are, fascinate me; how can they love and then lose, fight and not stand, gain and then not; I just can never completely understand them, but I do suppose that’s what makes them all the more intriguing.
So I would like to begin with a girl, who wasn’t exactly human.
Hi again, so I would like to dedicate this to our first ever follower. So, can you guess, if she isn't human, than what could she possibly be?
The Stories of The Forgotten
EspiritualNever are the stories of the forgotten. Death has seen and death will see, that many people have stories to tell, for everyone has a story, be it that girl who had landed herself a promotion or that guy that woke up in hospital; some stories may no...