twenty-six ➶ flowers and showers

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A/N: if you haven't yet go a see if you want to nominate me in the thefictionawards !!
Love you all to infinity and beyond for 10k reads and #19 in Humor! I fainted when I read that!
Question....dogs, or cats?—->

Twenty-six: flowers and showers

"I don't need any help Betty." I muttered as I struggled to get out of bed, the soreness of my fractured ribs and my pounding headache making me wince.

The memory of waking up and seeing Adam's distraught and red face and the moment of my Mom disowning me made my headache even worse. The pain my body felt was indescribable and I couldn't cope with it very well.

But than again, who doesn't cry in pain after a car crash. I'm just glad I passed out and didn't have to feel that pain at initial impact.

That would have been pretty awko-taco—if you know what I mean.

I got onto both of my feet and it took me a while before I regained my balance, after all who doesn't remember to walk after a solid two days in a hospital bed. Betty held onto my hand and I nodded when I knew I got it.

The getting up was a lot harder than actually walking around, and for the first time since Sunday, I actually felt freedom. Monday had come and gone and now that Tuesday was here I hadn't seen any of my friends since they were stuck getting ready for Homecoming.

And that was another thing I was worried about. Does Adam still want to go with me?

A broken, car crash ridden, Leukemia host of a girl?

Betty opened the door for me and I smiled at her as we took a practice lap around the floor of the hospital wing before heading down to my room. I was officially moved back there and was promised that my injury's would heel sooner than later.

My outfit felt like a second skin, especially since I hadn't been in anything but a hospital gown since the accident. I was wearing a white cardigan and yoga pants that cut off halfway down my calf. My white tank top was too big on me, but I didn't care—it was comfortable.

"Are you excited honey?" Betty asked as we walked side by side along the hallway.

"Yea, I am really exci—" I started, but was shut right up when we entered my permanent resident room and I was surprised to see mounds and mounds of flowers. My voice faded off and Betty squealed in happiness.

Yellow Daisy's, sunflowers, and Lily's littered the room in an array of whites and yellows. I couldn't see any of the bland white that normally consumes my life, but actual color.

Something moved amongst the flowers and out popped Emma with a grin on her face as she outstretched her arms. I couldn't help but run into them and we both fell down laughing onto the hospital bed behind us.

"Be careful May!" Betty said trying to be stern but a hint of laughter trailed behind her statement.

"Your finally here! I've been waiting for hours!" Emma stated, breathlessly.

I rolled my eyes and got off of her. "Crybaby." I mumbled.

"So anyway, how are you feeling?!" She squealed, the teenager making an appearance as we sat down on the bed and Betty worked her way around the room to help me with getting settled in.

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