Meet the Cast

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Shine: A fun loving, upbeat, shiny hawlucha. Male

Star: The go- lucky shiny slyveon. Coal's very first Pokemon. Female

Gren: the silent, ferice Greninja. Male

Shiny: The upbeat, but silent Greninja. Female

Bloom: The shy, sweet, kind Gardevoir. Female

Scept: The modest, yet overprotective Sceptile. Male 

Char: The very picky, but shy Charizard. Male 

The trio: the trio of 3rd wheeling Riolu. All male 

Twiggy: the 3rd wheeling turtwig. Shy, but just as overprotective as Sceptile. Male 

Blaze: The modest, 3rd wheeling Blazeiken. ( is that how you spell it) Male

Muddy: A fun loving Mudkip. Male 

Candy: The starter Pikachu who loves what her trainer loves. Female 

Coal: The fun loving,  upbeat,  trainer. Likes: Pokemon, signing,  dancing. Is part Mew. Female.

Moonlight: The fun loving, shipping shiny eevee. Female.

Beedrill: the random caught beedrill that followed her throughout 3 regions. Male 

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