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Muddy: Hey! Twiggy, Blaze, Riolus, Star, Shiny, Bloom, Candy!! Ya'll wanna do some betting?!

Twiggy: Is it in Coal's love life again? Remember when we tried it with Sawyer, Clemont, and Alain?

Candy: What happened?

Twiggy: She chased us around while shooting solarbeams.

Muddy : It is. This time we are shipping her with our fellow comrades that are not here.

Blaze: That's........actually not a bad idea. I mean have you seen the way those 4 look at her?

Bloom: Still.... we shouldn't be getting involved with her love life.

Shiny: What's the worst that could happen?

Star: LETS DO IT!!!!😉😉

Riolu 1,2, and 3: Betting time!!!

Twiggy: Scept!

Blaze: What's to lose? Char.

Shiny: Gren.

Star: Shine.


Muddy: Char

Bloom: Gren

Riolu 1: Shine

Riolu 2 : Scept

Riolu 3: Gren

Muddy: Look! Coal caught a shiny eevee!!

Moonlight( shiny eevee): I heard the conversation. Char!

Twiggy: Teams of 3?!

Beedrill: Y'all forgot me!! Shine.

Muddy: teams of 3. Remember.... don't forget to 3rd wheel!!!

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