Chapter one: "I Don't need a man."

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My life. Well if you stick around I'm going to tell you my story. Six months ago. That is how long I've been drowning in icecream. The night after I had a one night stand in the hotel I had to go to the doctors. I found out I was pregnant. I was scared shitless. My parents were dissapointed at first, but after the first month they helped.

My dad is helping me with my apartment rent. My apartment is a small two bedroom with a small balcony. The kitchen had a island and a bar. The living room was small, but it would do.

When I was little my dream was to be married to a cute guy on the beach and kisses under the stars. As I got older my dreams changed. I still wanted to get married, but I wanted it in a ballroom and have five kids by the time I was thirty. I'm twenty-one and pregnant.

My childhood was the best. we all lived in a small house in the suburbs. My older sister Alice was in an accident and was paralyzed from the neck down. She doesn't really come out of her room, but when she does she looks miserable.

I looked down at my six month pregnant stomach. I smiled at the my stomach. I never knew someone was able to love something so much before they were actually here. I grabbed the arm of the couch to get up.

I knew who the father was, but I haven't told him. I'm not sure if he'll help or not and I don't want to get rid of my baby. I don't need a man.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face from the chocolate. There were crumbs on my shirt and I swiped them off. I got in the shower.
When I got out I found one of my maternity dresses. I put it on then went to get some food.
After my quick breakfast I grabbed the keys and walked to my car. I was going baby shopping with Jax.
I walked into the baby isle and saw Jax hitting on a pretty brunette. I walked around looking for the things on my list. I needed a crib. They had some many to choose from they had dark wood, light wood, black or white plastic. I ended up with a dark wood crib a playpen, changing table, diapers wipes, sheets. I knew what I was having I was going to reveal it at the baby shower that was two weeks away.

I grabbed some bottles and some clothes. I was super exited I also grabbed some pacifiers. I went to the maternity section and was looking for some new clothes. I was getting sick of wearing dresses. At the other end of the store I saw a couple looking at a slim black dress. It was for skinny girls.

I walked over to the area they were in and was looking for some clothes. I felt eyes on me, so I turned around.

There stood Cole Richards. Just effing great. This was just what I needed. I turned back around and started walking.
Come turned to the blonde he was with and hurried after me. I was walking as fast as I could for a pregnant woman. I saw Jax and the brunette still talking. She laughed at something he said. He wrote his number on her hand.

"Hey Alexa." Jax said turning around. I glared at him. He looked at my cart and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

I turned around and went to the checkout. The guy helped me out everything up. He told me my total and a hand gave him a black credit card.
I looked at the person. It was Cole.
"What the bell?" I said trying not to swear. He laughed. His face turned serious. The cashier handing him the card back and I started to walk away again.
"Alexa please wait?" Cole said catching up with me. "Is the baby mine?"
"Cole I think we should talk about this u a more private place." I said not looking at him.
"Of course can I meet you at the park at lets say five thirty."
"Sure." I said looking up.
I walked to my car putting my things in the back.
I got home and was ready to pass out.

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