Chapter Two: Home

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I did not want to meet him. I packed up my things and left. My baby would not have to grow up in the spotlight of her fathers world.
The bus station was a few blocks from my apartment.
I got there as the bus pulled up. Pulling the two suitcases in with me I found a seat in the back. I texted Jax.
A: I have to leave town for a bit.
J: why?
A: I'll talk to you later.

Just like that I was on the next bus out of town.
My life in the past few months has been crazy.
As the bus pulled up I got on choosing a seat in the back. Falling asleep I thought about Cole.
Would he be disappointed that I didn't show up?
Waking up the bus stopped in Washington. Getting out I hauled my belongings with me.
I decided to go to the all night cafe.
There were adds of apartments for rent. Grabbing one I called the owners.
Two hours later I was in an apartment. Leaving the unpacking for later I flopped on the bed.
A:I made it. I'm good.
J: god Alexa you should have texted me sooner I was getting worried.
A: I know. I found an apartment
J: I'll have to come visit.
A:for sure.

After that I fell asleep to my baby girl kicking my stomach.
The next morning I got dressed to go shopping. Pulling on a dress that still fit over my large stomach I grabbed my phone and purse.

The cart was full and I was ready to check out. All of this food would fill the cabinets until I needed to shop again. My pregnancy only had two months left. Two months until I would meet my baby girl. My feet were tired and I just wanted to sleep.

Two months later:
My water broke and I was at the hospital in less than thirty minutes. On April 7th after thirty six hours of labor my baby Madeline Sage Price was born 6.08oz 20in.
She was the love of my life already.
I had called Jax when my water broke. He was coming as fast as he could.
Holding my daughter I could see some of Cole in her. She has his eyes and mouth.
After feeding Maddie the nurse took her to the nursery. I fell asleep watching The Price is Right.
I loved every second of being a mom. The late night feedings. Do I wish I had help? Yeah, but I loved my daughter.
Jax stayed for two weeks helping with Maddie.
I slept when she slept and any other time I could find. I never missed a moment.
I watched her first time crawling. Walking, talking.
Just like that now she's almost two and talking.
I decided to move back home. My mom was thrilled to meet Maddie.
So much had changed I had bought a car and got a job writing.

I pulled into my moms driveway later that night. Unbuckling Madeline I walked to the front door. Once my mom saw her she scooped her out of my arms.
I was going to stay here a few days until I figured everything out.
"Mom I need to go shopping tomorrow."
"Okay, I'll be at work until six." She replied tickling Maddie.
At six thirty I fed and bathed Madeline then I put her to sleep. Going out to talk to my mom.
"I've missed you Alexa."
"I missed you too."
"How old is Madeline?"
"Almost two. In April."
"I have to leave early and you look exhausted why don't you get some sleep." Mom said.
She was right I was exhausted.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual to cook breakfast. Eggs and toast. Eating I went to wake up the baby. Feeding her I got us both dressed.
Mom was gone when we were ready to leave. Putting in coats I put her in the car seat.
Stopping at Starbucks I ordered an iced coffee.
The store wasn't busy, but there was still a buzz.
I hurried through the isles grabbing what I needed, but going around a corner I ran into another cart. Looking at the person my eyes almost popped out.
Cole Richards stood there wearing a grey t and dark washed jeans.
Holy shit was I in trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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