21. To help a loved one

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After a couple of minutes of hiding the ninja move to a different area of the forest. You pull yourself from Zetsu's grasp and brush the dirt from your clothing. You opened your mouth to speak but immediately closed a second later. Even though you had created space between the two of you, Zetsu closed it. A pale hand reached up and was placed on your forehead. "Your face is looking a little red, are you sure you're ok to continue with the mission?". You give a quick nod and take another step back. "I-I'm fine, don't worry about ", they nod and turn their head in the direction the ninja went. "We should follow them, we still don't know their objective". You give a slow nod and follow the multi-colored man.

A couple of minutes later you spotted the ninja and climbed up into a tree, blending in so that you couldn't be seen. Your (s/c) skin changed to a rough brown like the exterior of the tree. Zetsu appeared beside you, surprised by your change of appearance. His darker hand reached out and touched your arm, feeling the new coarse texture. You brush his hand off of you and send him a glare. "Stop touching me", you hiss. They quickly nod, their golden eyes not leaving you for a second. You look back over and meet their gaze. "What are you looking at?". They jolt slightly. "N-nothing". You let out a sigh and grab their wrist, pulling them down to the ground with you. You ducked behind another bush and watched as the ninja conversed.

"The flower isn't here", the first ninja says sadly. "But they said it would be. This forest is really big, if we look harder then we might find it". The first ninja lets out another sigh and gives in. "Fine, we'll keep looking".

You look over at Zetsu, his eyes were already on you. "What do you want to do now? We already know that they aren't a threat, might as well go back to the hideout". Zetsu shake their head. "We can't risk them seeing or finding anything in this area". You nod. "Ok then, we'll follow them around until night". They nod and point to the first ninja. "You follow her, we'll take the second". "Ok". Zetsu disappears into the ground, leaving you alone in the forest. The ninja you were following begins to move and so you follow her. Your skin still showed the image of a tree so you changed it back to (s/c), your makings becoming visible again. You jumped from tree to tree, keeping a good distance between yourself and ninja. Suddenly she stopped running, falling to her knees and beginning to cry.

"Damn it damn it damn it!", she screams, slamming her fist into the earth. You cringe at the volume of her voice. Now rather than seeing a ninja, a weapon, you saw a young woman, crying. You jumped down from the tree you were hiding in and approached her. She looked up and pulled a kunai from her side, pointing it at you. "Who are you? What are you doing here?!", she demands. You ignore the question and sit on your knees not too far away from her. "Why is it that you cry?", you ask her. She doesn't lower her kunai. You look up at her with your hands resting in your lap. "I am no threat to you". She lets out an irritated sigh and lowers her kunai but doesn't put it away. "I'm looking for something here but I can't find it", she mutters. "Have you lost something?", you question. She shakes her head. "There is something here that can help someone I know". You nod. "And why are you trying to help this person?". Her eyes widen for a second before her eyebrows furrow. "W-why do you want to know?! I don't know you!". You sigh and meet her gaze. "I never said you had to answer my questions". You placed your hand on the ground and watched as flowers sprung from the earth. "I just see a human in distress and would like to know why she has shed tears". Her eyes grow large. "What are you?". You pick one of the flowers and delicately stroke its petals. "I am a goddess". She seems to relax but the surprised expression never leaves her face. "Now will you tell me why are you trying to help this person?". She slowly nods and approaches me, sitting before me. "Someone I love is very sick and there is said to be something here which can help him".

Next chapter here we go!

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