Say Amen (Saturday Night) Is Related To What?!

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You have heard the new song by P!ATD Say Amen (Saturday Night), right? If not you must listen to it now it is a bussy bop. Anyway, it is related to something amazing. The only song that matters- that's not true all songs matter the same- This Is Gospel. At the end of Say Amen, it does the beginning faintly of This Is Gospel, bum-bumbum-bum as the woman walks away after KILLING bReNdON uRiE. We don't like that woman. Whoever she is I'll name her Sharron because I feel someone named Sharon would be that female dog (sorry my parents read this and I am a pure bean) anyways if your name is Sharron I am sure you are a wonderful person this Sharon, in particular, is just not a nice person. So where was I? Oh yeah, don't touch Brenon boi. And I am sure you guys know by now that This Is Gospel is related to Emperor's New Clothes. If not, now you know. I'm telling you right now. Brendon has a vision and he executed it so well. I would have put this in the previous chapter but I felt it was really scattered and I kinda didn't have a second thing to talk about for P! that forehead am'right?  

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