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warning most of my dreams i have are nightmares so its very gory but i just wanna share them out cause idk my therapist said to

also, i like to name my dreams lol

dream 1: the doctor

I was strapped down to a table and some doctor came over and gave me a shot then a few minutes later he cuts open my stomach, taking my stomach out and taking a big bite out of it before throwing it aside and pulling out more organs all as I cant feel it, there's blood everywhere and the last thing I remember is him placing a lily on my heart before crushing it killing me

dream 2: betting is bad

i was forced into a bet to eat some pasta with hair and i tried to back out but i could only back out if i got hurt so...i threw my head down onto the table and cracked my skull so i didn't have to do the bet. then i casually walked down the street my skull still cracked open and to the hospital, which was a fair? i don't know. i tried to find somewhere to get help but i couldn't so i says "fuck it" and went back to school my skull still broken

dream 3: face

i was in a pitch black room and i look over and BOOM a red face is staring at me, slowly creeping closer to me till a hand reaches out and grabs my shoulder, injecting a poison into my body which slowly kills me all while the face is laughing at me and slowly melting to blood and guts.

thats all or now,  come back later for more 

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