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Friday, 10:45pm

"Isn't it beautiful?" I smile absentmindedly looking over the balcony- not really expecting an answer before continuing anyway.

"It puts everything into perspective...reminds you how little you matter ...in this universe you're nothing but a spec of dus- *hic* dust."

I take another swig from the bottle in my hand enjoying the rush it gives me,  savouring the way it burns in the back of my throat so I can finally feel something. So i can feel anything. Because I just feel so fucking empty.

I close my eyes feeling the muffled beat of the bass from inside the party vibrate in my chest

"N-N-No one caress about meee-if I died today noooo one would care. Nopeee nobodyyyy"

"Not even my fucking mom" I laugh bitterly

I look down at the neatly cut slice of vanilla bean cake in front of me, slowly dragging my finger through its pastel pink icing, before popping it into my mouth.

"And it's my birthday..." I whisper sadly to myself feeling the tears start to prickle in my eyes.

"She cares more about money than me- I bet if she could she would've switched me for a couple of stacks when I was born"

"Come onnnnnn Seraphina...we don't have time for any of that...we're missing your birthday party and they're doing lines in there" Tiffany whines attempting to pull me along with her back inside but I don't budge

I don't care if Tiffany doesn't to listen to me- it's not like there's anything there inbetween her ears anyway.

All she's good for is telling me I look good in outfits and being photogenic for Instagram photos (not more photogenic than me of course)- that's why I keep her around.

"fuck you guys" I yell out into the cityscape impulsively as I began to unsteadily clamber up onto the balcony

"fuck all of you and fuck Nicki"

Yeah that's right

"FUCK NICKI MINAJ" I scream out throwing my arms out so violently that it sends me teetering and my bottle down 60 stories off the balcony. "Ah shit" I hiss as I flail my arms about trying to avoid falling

Tiffany just watches, for a fraction for a second. Deciding whether to save me let watch my body splatter onto the ground?

Then rolling her kohl lined eyes she grabs my sleeve yanking me forwards and I tumble back onto the balcony roughly.

That sobered me up so quick.

"Oh my god Phi" are you okay?" Tiff presses her lips together grabbing me by my shoulders a smirk playing on her face as I pick a couple of fragments of bloody glass from my hands, unbothered.

I was eerily calm.

Until I see that cokehead barbie over there ripped a sleeve off my dress.

"Don't touch me you idiot I'm fine!" I bite making her recoil

"But my outfit isn't-You just ripped a sleeve off my custom Valentino couture dress, this probably cost more than your car-do you know that?" I yell for what is probably the 50th time today.

Poor little rich girl | Nicki MinajWhere stories live. Discover now