Chapter three

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Samantha's POV

I sat in that closet for who knows how long. Waiting for any sign from Izzy that it was okay to come out. Or any sign from that killer that he was coming to finish me off.

But Nothing, Only Silence.

And the silence was the worst part of it all. After the horrific things that happened there is only silence left. No sirens, no-one came to check on us, no police were called. Just silence.

Why didn't they call the damn police? They had to have heard my parents' screams, they weren't exactly quiet. Surely these people aren't that selfish, not to call the police.

I can't take this silence anymore. I carefully climbed down, trying all in my ability not to knock down anything. Then, I slowly ever so slowly opened the door. The room was just as it had been yesterday. That felt like so long ago. Back when I didnt have to creep around, trying not to be killed by some phyco.

Why am I acting like I've been through hell when the killer hasn't even done anything to me yet.

'He killed your parents, and your brother might be either dead or missing.' My conscious yelled.

Oh my God Izzy! How could I forget about my older brother?

I rushed over to the boxes, not caring about making noise anymore.

I frantically moved the boxes around, searching for my older brother and best friend. I can't lose him, not now, not like this.

"Izzy" I frantically whispered, looking all around the room.

" Izzy this isn't funny." I said as I continued to look, tears blurred my vision.

"Come-on Izzy this isn't cool come out" I said as I just stopped looking and sat in the corner of the room hugging my knees, tears streaming down my face.

About an hour later I saw a figure come into the room but I didn't care anymore. I've never felt this empty, this hurt.

" Sammi? " I heard someone whisper. I lifted my tearstained face and saw Izzy standing at the doorway.

My eyes widened as I scrambled to my feet. I've never been so relieved.

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