Facebook Page...? (Important!)

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Hey Mysky here *waves* How are my beautiful fans doing? good? because if you're good I'm good ;D 


I was thinking, would you guys like it if this had a FB page? I want to know before I made it that I have AT LEAST 50 or so people liking... 

Would you guys like to do that? 

What the FB page would have:

Sneak Peaks of upcoming chapters

sneak speaks of upcoming BOOKS

Fans can ask questions and chat me up ;D 

I'll post little stories, like how Lizzie and her father met the rest of the gang, or what happen between months and weeks that had past. Maybe what happen in the gap between the first book and the second book. 

fans can post pictures

Maybe a detour inside Emma and her mother's head...

Why Sparky is so imprtant....

What Melody did while she was gone.... 

would you guys like that? 

please comment and tell me if I should make one! 

if you don't have an wattpad account my FB page is in my profile! I'd love to hear from you guys! 


Mysky <3 

June, 2020 update: I no longer update the facebook page! But follow me on tumblr instead : https://in-the-clouds1020.tumblr.com :) 

October, 2020 update: I'm revamping the facebook to reflect my new wattpad account! Follow https://www.facebook.com/IntheClouds1020/ :) 

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