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"Are you all ready?" Josh said, the oldest out of me and Allie. Allie's 14 But Josh is 18. I'm 10. We're all about to get on a plane to Paris. 15-A or A-15. I forgot. Anyway we've just been called and now we're walking in this crowd of people trying to get on. We are all holding hands as tightly as possible, trying not to lose someone. Like our Mom and Dad. We can't afford another person missing. We need to go now. Fast. Let's not get into that. We are going to leave all of that behind us. A new life is waiting.
We sat down, me in the middle, Josh to my left, and Allie to my right. All gripping my hand.
The flight was fine, it was about 12:00 A.M. and using my headphone splitters, we listened to some music. I was the only person with there chair back and little by little, I feel asleep.
  I was standing near a cliff, my back toward the big, black, pit of a hole. I saw Josh and Allie run to me, Josh was skinny and ran fast, he had blond hair and a red jacket with white fluff inside. Allie is skinny to, shorter than Josh, had dirty blond hair and a shirt that said, good vibes and jeans. But now they were all covered in black. There hair was black to, but there eyes were blue. Joshes eyes were brown in real life and Allies were green, blue, and kind of yellow. It came really pretty together. I always admired it. Mine were brown though, same with my long hair. Anyway, the wind was blowing, I had my arms out and felt a chill. All over. Josh and Allie ran faster to me. They looked as if they were saying things to me, but it was silent. Time seemed to slow, as if giving me more time to... think? I whispered to myself. "Don't wake up." I leaned back, back until I fell. The wind blew around me and I-
The whole plane was shaking. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. Paralyzed. Couldn't move. Josh, he, wasn't in his seat. He was on the ground and. Passed out? I saw Allie next to me. She was looking at Josh. She was paralyzed. That's what happens when she gets scared; she can't move.
   "What's happening Allie?" I asked, voice shaking and scared. I didn't know what to do. She looked at me with absolute terror and fear. We looked at each other for a few seconds.
"I.... I don't know." Her voice was bumpy and scared for our lives. Especially James life. Or death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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