❤Live, Love, Then Spy on Boys❤

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It was so hard to believe that all the bad things that came may way we're just a coincidence. And on my first day of work? 

I was in the bathroom trying to atleast lighten the stain. No luck. Whatever coffe that guy was drinking he sure had something strong.

2. Ally doesn't do clusmy.

Seeing that their was know use in compensatating the new smell, on my new outfit, I was heading out the bathroom, until another women came in.

The women looked like a model. Her stuture was so upright, as she was in professional attire, with a skirt adding alittle sas to her presence. Of course she was my boss.

3. Dress like her.

"Are you Ally Brooks?" She said looking at  a clip board. "Yes. You don't know how great of a--" The women told me to come with her, in a serious voice. Was everyone in this buliding a robot? I followed her out of the bathroom, continuing to gab about how great of an oppurninty this was. It started to be clear that she was just avoiding me. She opened a door, and I realized that I was on a higher floor.

"This is Ally Brooks," The lady said. I walked into the office, only to see a gorgeous man. This man was even sexier than the one at the front door. And from the lookings of it, very careful with his surrroundings. I took seat in front of me, as he told me it was a pleasure.

"The pleasures all mine, sir." I said blushing.

"Please, call me Gordon." 

4. Get with that.

"I hear you are a struggling writer? You came here because, for a scholarship into..."

"Yale, sir-- I mean Gordon." I wanted to slap my self. I was seriously, socially awkward around men. Espicially this type of guy. His face was just... so perfect... the flash in his eyes, and how I hung on to every word. Make me a sandwhich, and put him in between, I thought.

I could see it now. We all in love, have sex, and I write a story on him and I, and our two kids Ally Jr. and Ally Jr...Kidding... for now.

"I have a job for you. Being the good looking women you are, I'm sure alot of men are attracted to you..."

"That's an understatment.." I muttered. But I kept listening.

"A magizine--"

We're having sex. He sits me on his desk, and takes off my leggings, and hills. We're tounge kissing, and suddenly knock down his computer but he doesn't seem to notice. "I was saying--" he groans in between sentences. "A magizine wants someone --OH --- to..."

I was listening, but also making him feel like the man he hasn't been, while talking all boring.


My dream cuts off as I stop day dreaming. "They need a juicy person, with a spunky sence of writing. They're doing a peice on "Mystery guy" 'Who is the perfect guy for you?' And I think you're perfect to do the articles!"

I was shocked. I was going to spy on boys, as work? I liked the sound of this already. "So basically I'm..."

"Spying on men. Yes." He answered my question before I could even say it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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