Chapter 3

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It wasn't until she was a couple of blocks away from the apartment that she finally realized where she was. She had been walking along and happen to look over to her far right and saw... Big Ben.

Her first initial thought was - Oh look, Big Ben take a picture! An inside joke, an instant reaction in response to what seemed like the hundreds of pictures of that damn clock that her mother had taken. The rest of the family just got so sick of it. It wasn't until she had stared at that clock with a minor - minor - look of disgust that she realized what it was that she was looking at... in person.

She looked around in bewilderment when she realized where she was. "I'm in London." She muttered to herself with horror. "I'm in London." It wasn't that she had anything against the city. No, nothing at all, she adored London. She had been there before with family and just fell in love with it. She loved the fact that it was over brewing with history. She loved how nice the English actually were compared to what you thought they were with stereotypes and all that judgmental crap.

She had to take a seat on a nearby bench in order to try and wrap her head around this. She was in London, in a completely different body with absolutely no memory or concept of how it was that she got into this situation. She leaned back and ran a hand through her hair. Hair that wasn't her own with hands that weren't her own, she thought with some despair.

It was just making her head spin. She heard people talking all around her and she just wasn't sure what to do. Was she to try and explain this to someone? No, that would be stupid, no one would ever believe her story - hell she doesn't believe this story and she's the one that's living it. "Alex!"

Her heart jumped out of her chest and she almost gave herself whiplash as her head whirled around to see who had touched her arm. "Huh! Wha... What?"

"Alex, there you are. I was looking around your apartment and you weren't there." Her eyes were telling her who was in front of her but she just refused to believe it. No, see that was just way too much for her to handle. She refused - refused - to believe that Martha Jones was standing in front of her, talking as if they had been friends for years. "Come on, we need to get to work." She wasn't sure if it was the fact that Martha was oblivious to her inner turmoil, she was better at hiding it than she thought, or all those acting tips her dad gave her really paid off.

Either way, Martha just tugged on her arm and they started walking. She almost tripped over her own two feet, but she caught herself just in time. This wasn't possible, okay, it just... wasn't. Sure, she had read fanfiction like this before about how girl from alternate universe who is a big fan of the show gets sucked into that show, but come on. It's in fanfiction for a reason. This is just ridiculous, it doesn't happen in real life...

Martha chatted with her amicably as they walked down the streets and she tried to keep up with the cheerfulness. In normal circumstances she would have done it with ease - and honestly be surprised at how she did it later - but with so much crazy going on right now all in no more than an hour she just couldn't do simple. Thankfully, Martha's phone rang and it gave her a chance to try and breathe.

Shit, she was starting to feel faint again. She couldn't keep doing this - she had been doing really well too! She put a hand to her pounding forehead and put on a smile when Martha sent a look her way. She knew Martha wouldn't believe her and she certainly knew that she wouldn't understand. She tried to keep wrap her mind around it, tried to think about what caused all of this. Maybe, if this was Doctor Who, there was some reason that made sense to her. She knew that sounded stupid, but she followed the show and could understand most of what they talked about.

She ran right into a thin chest and almost fell back on her ass if it wasn't for two long arm keeping her steady. "Ah, oh..." She was thrown back into this weird world that was supposed to be reality but couldn't be. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't even paying attention!" Her tone was pure apology, and it was nice to know that her manners had followed her through the time-vortex-warp-hole-thing...

She looked up into eyes that seemed to be made of melted chocolate. Oh. Oh no. He made sure she was standing before he winked at her. Doctor? The word was on the tip of her tongue, but oh so thankfully he interrupted me. "Like so!" He then just simply pulled off his tie without untying it first. "See?" He held it up as if he had pulled it out of thin air. He then patted her on the shoulder and walked away.

She looked between the Doctor and Martha and oh dear God her head was hurting. "Who... was that?" She asked slowly.

"I have no idea." Martha muttered as the two of them started walking. "That was just weird."

It was easier to play along when her brain was too over occupied with everything else that she thought too much about her part. "What had he been smokin'?" She felt a slight sense of pride when Martha giggled. They kept walking and when they finally got to the hospital she felt a different kind of dread fill her. Oh man, she didn't know the first thing about being a doctor. She didn't like that thought if it meant putting people's lives at risk...

Martha laughed at her. She turned to look, confused at the sound. Was there something she was missing? "Where are you going? You need to go change in your uniform down there." The black woman pointed to a different hall and she nodded her head slowly. Okay, right, "remember, all the apprentice nurses have to gather around the lab down there."

It took a moment, but she nodded her head as if she suddenly remembered what it was that Martha was talking about. "Oh... um, yeah, right."

She was so thankful that Martha seemed to buy it because she thought that performance had been garbage. "I swear you would forget your own head if it wasn't screwed on." Oh, she pouted, now that's just mean... It felt weird that that playful gesture could be so compatible with her personality. Seriously, how similar is this Alex to her? It's starting to become creepy...

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