chapter 31

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Melody's point of view

Well, well, well, my ex-boyfriend and I are back to square one- at a party, in a closet after being chosen to play 7 minutes in heaven and playing the same old game: 20 questions.

"Let's get over this," I sighed.

"Just like old times," The boy smirked.

"Sure, but you're going first this time around," I looked around the closet.

Bryce's parents have lots of coats and it's like they have every shade of colour. They even have matching coloured winter boots to go with it.

"Uh. What's your favourite colour?"

"Seriously, Monty? You already know it. Why are you asking again?"

"Well, you always said it changes colour according to your mood," He shrugged.

My heart skipped a beat that he remembered. I bit my lips to conceal my smile under the dim lighting.

"Your turn to ask a question," his voice interrupts me.

"I can't, uh, I can't think of anything right now. Not at this moment," I put my knuckles on my forehead, getting dizzy as I had a full bottle of beer.

"Are you okay?" He came closer to me but I held my hand up so that he would not.

"I'm fine. Is it okay if we just chill? Avoiding you is so exhausting, you know?" I heard him chuckled.

"Yeah, okay. That's, uh, yeah, that's fine. We'll just sit and talk, okay? How are the baby twins doing?"

"Mavis and Max? They are fine. Oh! Did I tell you? They said their first words!" I winced as I sat up too fast.

Monty hold up his hands if I hit my head, "Really? What did, what did they say?"

"Max said a car and soon after that, Mavis started saying car too," I giggled at the memory.

"Car?" we burst out laughing.

"I know, right?"

"How did they know how to say that?"

"It might have been my fault because I've been begging Maddy and Mitch for a car, literally every single morning," I bit my lower lips and hugged my arms, embarrassed.

"Oh, you know, I mean, if you need it, you can just, you can just borrow mine. I don't mind. You have to give it back though," I couldn't help but gasped.

"Is Montgomery de la Cruz being nice to me by letting me borrow his cool jeep car?" I teased and sat next to him, bumping his shoulder cheekily.

"Only if, uh, I get to send you home tonight?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, Monty. Just this one time, okay?"

He lighted up at my response, "Wait. Really?"

"Yeah. Nothing wrong with exes being friends, right?" I clarified with him.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah. Just friends, nothing more. I, uh, promise," We were interrupted by an aggressive knocking on the door. "Seven minutes is up, lovebirds!"

We got out and separated as I wanted to find Jeff. I found him in the backyard, playing beer pong with his friends.

"You alright? What happened in there with Monty?" Jeff paused the game to talk to me.

"Yeah, yeah. No, we're okay. We actually talked like civilised human beings!" I jabbered.

"Really?" He observed me, searching in my eyes and raising his defined eyebrow at my weird grin.

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