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Eleanor curled up to Carlisle's side, pulling the thick blanket she was using closer to her chin as she watched him type away at his computer. Even though it was the beginning of September, Eleanor had already pulled out most of her blankets for the year.

Over the summer, she had appreciated how cold Carlisle's body was but now that it was getting colder, she began to change her mind. She got cold too easily as it was and it didn't help that her mate was a literal icebox. Carlisle had laughed at her when she first pulled the blankets out of her closet, but when he realized how easily she got cold, he bought some for his house as well.

Eleanor and Jessica had turned eighteen on June eighth, nearly three months ago now. Alice had put a together a small party, only inviting the Cullen familyand Bella. It was the most enjoyable birthday she had had in years. Usually the Stanley twins and their school friends would just get together and go to dinner and a movie.

Jess had found out she was hanging out with the Cullens' when Eleanor said she had to reschedule their annual birthdaynight. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy that Eleanor didn't tell her but she was more upset that she'd postponed their traditional birthday celebration.

El made sure to make it up to her sister.

Eleanor grinned widely when Bella walked into the living room. The girl sat on the sofa across from Carlisle and Eleanor and waited for Edward to sit down before curling into him. "Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

Bella wrinkled her nose at the question, ducking her head down. "Don't remind me."

"Bells, you're gonna be eighteen!" Eleanor said, laughing incredulously at her friend. "It's not a bad thing that you're aging."

Bella didn't reply, instead choosing to turn her attention back towards Edward. The girl had been dead set on turning into a vampire ever since the incident with James. She claimed it was because she wanted to be able to protect Edward like he protected her though, with the way she was acting towards to her birthday coming up, Eleanor suspected there were other reasons.

Realizing that the conversation was now over, Eleanor nudged Carlisle's side. He peered over at her and, upon seeing her raised brows, shut his computer screen. El smiled and stood up behind Carlisle, shooting a smile to the two on the other sofa. "See you later."

Eleanor and Carlisle headed towards his office, walking hand in hand. Carlisle pushed the door open for her and Eleanor stepped in front of him, instantly heading towards his leather chair. She plopped down, heavily. "I can't believe she's complaining about her birthday."

Carlisle huffed a laugh as he slid in front of her, bracing his hands back on hisdesk. "She doesn't want to wait any longer."

"She can't just turn right now, though." Eleanor didn't mean to be rude towards her friend, but the girl was being selfish. "She has Charlie and her mom to think about. They'd be heartbroken if she suddenly just 'died' and she doesn't seem to care at all."

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