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The next morning, Eleanor, Carlisle and Emmett sat together at the kitchen table. Eleanor had a bowl of Cheerios in front of her, along with a book that Carlisle had picked for her. She hadn't necessarily been focusing on the book, but instead on the research that Carlisle was conducting. Children like Renesmee.

The child was growing at an immense rate - she already looked like a year old, instead of a few weeks old.

Her mate's eyes were narrowed at the computer screen in front of him, and he moved aimlessly down the pages. She didn't know what he would find on the internet, considering he was looking through vampire history and most people hadn't a clue that they had existed.

Eleanor diverted her eyes from the book again, and focused on Carlisle. The witch noticed how stressed the man looked, and abandoned her bowl, then moved her chair. She leaned her head on his shoulder, frowning at the computer.


"Yes Ellie?" He asked, quietly, not moving his eyes from the screen.

"What the hell do you think you're going to find about vampire babies? On the internet?"

He sighed, and diverted his gaze to Eleanor, who stared at him with expecting eyes. Carlisle turned his head to kiss her cheek, and then pulled away, "I don't know, El. But I can't ask other vampires about it."

"Why?" She asked, now curious.

Before he got the chance to answer, the sound of giggling invaded the house and Eleanor turned to see Edward and Bella walk in. A smirk replaced her curious frown, and she leaned back in her seat with her arms crossed, "good morning, lovebirds."

"Wow!" Emmett grinned, mimicking Eleanor's position, "done already?"

Edward rolled his eyes, while Bella fully ignored him, "where's Renesmee?"

"Blondie stole her," Jacob spoke from where he stood by the window. He had been watching Rose with his imprint all morning.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett asked. Carlisle and Eleanor stared at each other with a look of amusement, before she grinned back at the married couple, mischievously.

"Emmett, no." Bella said, sternly. Emmett and Eleanor laughed together once more.

A sharp ring cut through the house, and everyone turned to look at the telephone. The atmosphere became tense as they waited for Bella's response, "is that Charlie?"

"He's been calling twice a day," El said sadly, wrapping her arm around Carlisle's waist.

"He's in pretty rough shape," Jacob added, sharing a look with Eleanor.

"Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it," Carlisle told her, and Eleanor's heart fell in her chest. Poor Charlie.

She wished there was a way to keep Bella in Charlie's life, but as far as she know, it was impossible.

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