why am I so alone and broken

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This has gone on long enough me not knowing why no one likes me and feels my pain let me tell you how this came to be as I'm in the blood moon light finding a liking in life but as I go further I remember my pain I had once before can I say one thing never give up on you like I have on me but I also need to let you know why are you this way I'll tell you it was all a mistake but I wonder how much a heart can take with all these breakups you seem to face alone in your own world waiting for time to pass you by but let me say this never fall for your own despises tearing you apart with all your tears it's hard to tell what you are really going through as I wonder what life is like for you as I'm in your life I keep my eyes dried hoping no one will notice my cries waiting for the moon to shine one more time before I say goodbye but I'll know you when I'm gone and I'll hold your hand through the pain of your past and remember how much I meant to you back then but even as you crie I will be there to wash your tears and show you amazing things about life if I seem to find the beauty myself which is hard to do but I will if I'm doing it for you.

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