The jump

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I stand on the edge, my toes slightly clamping around the corner.
A soft breeze goes through my hair and i look down, hesitating.
It's not really the height that scares me, not even the drop down, but the landing.
As i mentally prepare myself to jump, i feel two hands on my back, pushing.
And i fall.

I hit the water with a slam and hear three voices simultaneously exclaiming an "Ouch".

I emerge again and look at Jacob. "Dude, what the fuck!?" He grins at me and yells from the tree trunk that we made into a jump stand. "I'm sorry, i had to! You stood there for ten minutes, man!" He quickly jumps off as well and curls up into a ball, making water splash everywhere while i try to scramble back ashore.

"Aw, don't take it personal, he's just fucking with you." Elena says, as she throws me a towel. "Oh yeah, let's see you jump from there then. Come on!" I try to taunt her into jumping, but she shakes her head with a smile."No way, this body has to be tanned from head to toe so don't even think of trying to get me out of my chair."

She puts her sunglasses on and lays back again. I suddenly see Declan silently sneaking up to her, gesturing me to help.I nod, grinning and we pick up the chair with Elena in it.

"Nononono, guys! This isn't funny! GUYS NO!"

We slowly carry her towards the water, where Jacob is dying of laughter.


We tip over the chair and a moment later, Elena is in the water, already cursing us out.


Declan is lying on the ground laughing, while i go and sit in her chair. She gets out of the water and stomps towards me, gesturing me to get out. "Oh come on, really?", I complain. She nods and i stand up, a little scared that she's going to kill me. After a few seconds and a towel, Elena eventually starts laughing as well. We both sigh while i lay down on a towel and close my eyes. With the sounds of Declan and Jacob swimming and yelling in the background, i slowly start to drift off.

I hear some soft mumbles.
I open my eyes and see Jacob standing over me. "Yep, I'm here, yes", i groan. "We think that it's going to rain soon, because there are some dark clouds coming. So we're planning on going home, ok?"

I look at the sky and see that Jacob is right: the clear blue sky that i fell asleep under has now turned into a gray, clouded version. I slowly get up and Jacob reaches his hand out to me, which i gladly take. After helping everyone clean up, we get into the car and start driving home, at the same moment when the first raindrops fall.

As we drive, the radio is turned on and "Jump for my love" starts playing. Elena starts singing along immediately while Declan starts mumbling on how this song has been on the radio for weeks in a row. I smile and enjoy the moment while Jacob looks out of the window.

Ten minutes later, a loud thunderclap echoes through the air. "Oh god, this doesn't seem-" A loud crash cuts Elena off and Declan immediately pushes the brakes. On the middle of the road lies a big tree, smoke coming off it. "You've got to be kidding me right now" Declan exits the car and tries to see if he can move the tree at all, but he returns a bit later, soaking wet. "It won't budge. I don't even think with all of us we can move it out of the way." Sighing, Elena takes out the map. "There's got to be another way out of here, right?" Declan nods and looks over to the map as well. "You know, Matthis and i can try and look for a forest pathway or something. I mean, you never know." Elena nods quickly and Jacob gestures me to get out of the car.

In the meantime, the rain had gotten worse. It was pouring. Jacob and i start walking nonetheless, back in the direction of the lake. "Alright, so you look on the left and I look on the right, ok?" I nod and start looking around. Ten minutes later, i find a decent-looking path that leads into the woods. "Do you think this will lead somewhere?" "It never hurts to try, right?" We decide to follow it for a bit until we know that it's not a dead end. Luckily, the trees surrounding the path shield us from the rain. After a while, we decide to sit down a bit. "So, what do you think we should do?", Jacob asks. "Well, maybe it's good that we return after this break. I wouldn't want anyone getting worried."

Jacob nods. "Yeah, good plan." He smiles widely and looks at me. Suddenly, i feel Jacob's hand touching mine, but i act like I don't notice. Slowly but steadily, i feel his hand moving up on my arm. And i let him, because it feels so good. He starts moving closer and his hands are now almost underneath my shirt. I don't want it to stop. At the moment that i just want to give in, my mind stops. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be liking this. I shouldn't be wanting this. This isn't right.

Without any further hesitation, pull back and stand up. "I am so sorry for this.", i say and start walking away, leaving him behind. This shouldn't have happened again. Why am i like this? I don't want to be. This is wrong.

I reach the car after a while and enter, explaining the route to the pathway we found. A few minutes later, Jacob enters, saying nothing. We turn the car around and drive towards the path. While driving, Elena leans over from the front seat and whispers:"So, what happened with..." She looks at Jacob, who is looking outside again. "Nothing happened, Elena. Trust me"

A/N: So, this is another story that I'm starting. I do have some nice ideas for the plot though, so please stick around!
Also, please note, i wanted a challenging story, so this is set in 1984. (I don't know why, it seemed fun)
That is why there won't be a lot of things like cellphones and technology shit

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