Chapter. 20

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Y/n: I said I love you~
Jk: I love you too *smile*
Y/n: *hit his shoulder* eyh such a flirty guy!
Jk:*chuckle* c'mon y/n
Y/n: where R we going?
Jk: just come with me
Y/n: alright

~ The both of you enters his car and then he starts driving,while driving you notice that the silence inside is weird until jungkook talks

Jk: y/n?
Y/n: ahh yes?
Jk: why r u so quiet is there smthing wrong?
Y/n: nothing it's just I don't have anything to say
Jk: finally! We r here!

~Infront of the park you notice that it seems famillar until you remember that this is the place where you go when you're sad

Jk: r u ok?
Y/n: uh umm yes shall we go now?
Jk: yea come on

~while walking towards a big tree you notice a blanket with foods and pillows

Y/n: did you did this all?
Jk: yes
Y/n: sweet
Jk: actually Im not the one who did this but Im the one who planned this
Y/n: nah its ok cmon *sit*

~You saw jungkook looking at your cleavage

Y/n: hey stop looking at my cleavage with your pervert eyes!
Jk: Im not looking at yout cleavage *pull my necklace* where did you get this!?
Y/n: my friend gave me this and why are you like that do you want it?
Jk: I don't wanna get this from you because I already gave this to you
Y/n: what do you mean?

~Jungkook get smthing from his pocket and show a necklace

Y/n: wth where did you get that!?
Jk: from a friend
Y/n: no way this is mine
Jk: and this is mine too
Y/n: Don't tell me that you're the kid I saw here?
Jk: hmm yes that's me
Y/n: wt- you keeps this? But why?
Jk: because I think I fell inlove at the first time I saw you and I want to find you
Y/n: dummy South Korea is big to find someone
Jk: but destiny make a way and now you're infront of me
Y/n: and soon to be your wife
Jk: *chuckle* so excited huh? *smirk*
Y/n: yea because Im going to marry my bestfriend,my ex and my biyfriend again *giggles*
Jk: *laugh* you're so cute y/n
Y/n: hey stob it I know that *laugh*
Jk: yeah that's my girl ohh wait

*phone rings*

Jk: *answer* hello?
Ms. Jeon: jungkook, where r u?
Jk: umm Im still with y/n
Ms. Jeon: alright just take care of yourself and ofcourse y/n
Jk: ofcourse ma'am
Ms. Jeon: have fun with your future wife *chuckle*
Jk: *laugh* alright mom take care bye~
Ms. Jeon: bye~

*end call*

Y/n: is that your mom?
Jk: yea
Y/n: its already night shall we go?
Jk: yea c'mon

~The both of you clean the picnic area where we eat and bring it inside his car. After we finish we both enter his car and drive me to our apartment

*bangtan's apartment*

Rm: hey!
Y/n: yah! You scared me oppa
Rm: *chuckle* sorry
Jungkook: cmon let's get inside
Rm: yeah right

~you,rm and jungkook entered the door

Jin: looks the both of you enjoy the moment huh?
Jk: yes
V: Guys the movie is starting now! *he said excitedly*
Jk: c'mon what movie hyung?
Jimin: ×××× A new episode
Y/n: btw where is yoongi oppa?
Hobi: he is on his room I think he is sad
Y/n: for what reason?
Jin: we don't know
Y/n: don't worry Im going to talk to him *smile*

~You leave them and go ahead to suga's room

*knock door*
Y/n: yoongi oppa
Suga: Go away (written on his door mat)
Y/n: Can we talk?
Suga: For what?

~The conversation goes on but he still didn't open the door until you convence him

Suga: *open the door* what do you want!?
Y/n: why are you like that!?
Suga: Its non of your bussiness anymore!?

~he was about to close the door but you stop him

Y/n: Im sorry oppa what is the problem? Let's talk *calm voice*
Suga: mom wants me to stop playing basketbal want me to be a CEO
Y/n: being a CEO that's great but how about your team?
Suga: they don't understand me
Y/n: they will! I'll convence them
Suga: no need I'll accept the fact that they can't gave me my only happiness
Y/n: stop acting like that gummy yoongi is lost and you know what let's make this day happy *winks*

To be continue......

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