chapter 13

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Jason slept restlessly tossing and turning as the dream he had was strange he saw nothing but him in an endless dark void and something lurking around him that he could never see it was to fast

"You think you can steal from me and burn my place to the ground and get away with it"

"Who's there?"

"Your worst nightmare boy"

Something wrapped around his legs dragging him across the floor then lifting him up as was face to face with a faceless pale man who somehow held a gaze at him looking deep into his soul "your in the presence of the slender man"

He face split open revealing a large mouth with rows of fangs and multiple black tongues as it tried to take a bite out of him

Jason screamed waking up with a start punching the air but calmed down when he realized it was only a dream "but it felt so real"

He shook his head getting it off his mind as he climbed outta bed walking into the living room

Jason was back in new York again, with him was lj and stitched but was surprised to see clockwork there in the apartment "hey clockwork"

She turned around smiling "holy shit hey I didn't know you were here" she jumped over the couch hugging him "it's been awhile how you been?"

"I've been good"

"Yeah I can see you've gotten stronger, good we need strength within are group"

"Yeah we do especially with us dropping like flies" said lj

"Only the weak ones, so you better watch out lj" said stitched

"You wanna run that by me again you leper fuck"

"Alright that's enough, and none of us are weak those who we've lost were just unlucky"

"You mean like Toby?" Said lj

Clockwork glared at him "what are you talking about?"

"Well considering he died last week, I think he counts as one of the unlucky ones"

Clockwork grabbed lj by his hair smashing his head against the coffee table "you better be lying lj or your going through that window over there"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, you'll never know" he chuckled

Clockwork kneed him in the face letting go of him "your a jackass lj"

"Yeah, but I'm a valuable member to this team"

"No you'll be a valuable meal to me if you don't shut the hell up" said Jason

"Thank you Jason" said clockwork as she tried to walk out the room but before she could an arrow came through the window landing in the wall only cenimeters from her face "get down!"

They all got to the ground quickly "what the heck was that?" Said Jason

"There must be an archer on the roof across from us" said stitched

"Just keep down below the window" said clockwork

"Uhh guys are arrows supposed to do that?" Said Jason pointing to it as it decentagrated into a powdery substance

"What is it?" Asked lj

Stitched went over to examine it "it's sand"

"Sand, how is it sand?"

"I don't know"

Suddenly something chrashed through the window it was almost like a sand storm as it swirled around the room

blood lust (part two- jasons new family)Where stories live. Discover now