Chapter Fifteen: My Perspective

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So since this work has not been updated since 2016, it is fair to say I have no plan of continuing it, and to be honest I almost forgot about it until I signed in to wattpad one day and discovered that there were people still reading and enjoying my work. 

To be completely honest, I am no longer even an avid watcher of the originals, so probably couldn't even keep up with the changing plot points and apply it to this fan fiction, so its probably a good thing I'm not continuing or else it would be a factual mess in comparison to the show (or an even bigger mess than it already is). 

I am not going to delete this work from the website, as I like it as a reminder of my writing journey (which has continued quite a lot, since I looked back and saw all of my spelling mistakes). But I will not be continuing to write it. 

However, I would just like to give you a little run down of what I once imagined this story to be, 

Kol and Cece would first travel to New Orleans, there would be issues with the Mikaelsons ofcourse, fights, a growing distrust of Cece (especially from Elijah) as they all found it hard to imagine that Kol would be gifted with a soul mate. 

In terms of finding out more about soul mates there would be issues as this would be based on earlier seasons of the originals where the witches were unable to use magic, and in serious conflict. This would lead to violence from Kol against the witches, including Davina, thus causing the Mikaelsons to entirely turn from him, as well as Cece who returns home, ignoring her magic, and leaving Kol to journey to Rome on his own. 

Back home Cece would try to continue with her life, she channels her magics longing for Kol in to lessons, and begins to date someone else, though obviously the whole time she is privately longing for her soul mate. 

Kol goes to Rome, extremely upset, but manages to find the information he needs to secure the soul mate bond. He returns to Cece, big romantic gesture etc etc, some tension due to her relations with another man, but in the end the all live happily ever after.

Obviously the second part of this is not as fleshed out as the first, but I hope this gives you all some idea of the direction this fanfiction was going in, and Im sorry I am not continuing it. 

Many thanks for reading, 
Rose Daniels 

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