Chapter 2

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After a night, Christopher returned to the opera house at the crack of dawn. Of course he'd arrive early, he could barely sleep. He was up all night thinking about the new singer he would find, how he would take care of the opera house, and who this mysterious opera ghost was. With all these thoughts weighing on his mind, he decided to get up for the day. After finishing his regular morning routine, he departed to the opera house.

When he arrived, he was the first one there. After all, it was only 6 AM and the performers were still sound asleep. With a cup of coffee in his hands and business on his mind, he got to work. He walked up the stairs, across the stage, to the backstage area. He walked through the back, admiring all of the lighting equipment, props, costumes, and scripts lying about on the floor. He truly respected the good people behind the scenes. They truly made the show go on. Of course, the actors and actresses are vital to a good show, but without the set crew, nobody could make the show as spectacular as they do.

As a little boy, Christoper would come down to the opera house like this. Before anyone got here, high on adrenaline and excitement, he'd wander aimlessly on the grounds of the beautiful palace, and would try to see everything before his father came and collected him to go to school. Now, he was a full grown man. His father wasn't here anymore, he could do whatever he wanted. Christopher sighed, taking in the fresh air of the opera house. "Father, you have left me a gigantic responsibility. Taking care of this opera house, the people in it, and this remarkable but strange opera ghost. It's all such a thrill! I will cherish this until the day I die." He whispered to himself.

After trekking across the stage area, he finally reached the hallway, and behind a door lied his father's desk, now his to rule. He reached the door, on it a sign with the words "Manager's Office" upon it. He creaked upon the door, being hit with a wave of anticipation. It was just as he imagined. As a child, he was never allowed in his father's room due to the fact that he was a rowdy little boy. One minute in there, and half of his father's items would lie on the floor, in pieces. Christopher walked in there, placing his coffee and briefcase on the desk in front of him. Trying to preserve his manly aura, he struggled to fight back the overwhelming emotion he was feeling.

He picked up the name plate on the desk reading "Monsieur Durand." He put it back in its original place and smiled. "I will have a name plate of my own soon." He sat down on the velvet, spinning chair and opened his case. He had a lot on his plate today. Finding a new singer for opening night was not an easy task. In fact, opening night was supposed to be yesterday night, be it had to be postponed. Christopher couldn't get the word spread fast enough that he was having auditions for the lead soprano, and nobody in the chorus line wanted to step up, so tonight was the official opening night. The huge weight that fell onto Christopher's shoulders surely was making him feel anxious, but he wasn't going to let anything stop him.

After hours of spreading the word, hanging up fliers, and making it known that auditions were being held today, the performers and Monsieur Laurent started to enter the opera house. Christopher walked out of his office and ran to the stage to greet everyone. His father wasn't as jovial or friendly, so it was a pleasant surprise for everyone to see their new manager greet them. "Good morning, all! I hope you are ready, because we must work hard today. Opening night is tonight, and I already am having various singers audition for me." He turned to Laurent. "Monsieur Laurent, will you join me as a judge in the auditioning process? I would like a senior composer to input his word as well."

Laurent smiled. "You know I despise the word "senior", Christoper. It makes me feel old. But, I suppose I am old. I would be delighted to join you on your endeavor." Christoper's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Monsieur! You will not be sorry, I am sure we will attract only the best singers in all of France!" He shouted, happy as a man could be. Laurent had to calm him down by putting his hand on Christopher's shoulder. "Why don't you take a small break from sipping your coffee?" Christopher laughed joyously. "Excuse me, Monsieur, I apologize." He bowed to Laurent and ran back to his office, waiting for all the new sopranos to audition.

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