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Steve lay resting in bed in the crook of his boyfriend's arm and whispered into Bucky's chest, "Do you think I should be worried about how they fight?"

"No. I mean, I don't really have much experience with kids, but it seems pretty normal. Me and you were like brothers when we were little, and we used to fight all the time. Even when we grew up, we fought. Pretty literally, I might add."

Steve elbowed Bucky's stomach, he hated when Bucky made references to his time as the Winter Soldier. But after pondering what he said, Rogers added, "I guess you're right. I think they'll grow out of it. Alright, let's go to bed. We have to get up early for work tomorrow." Steve got off of Bucky's chest to turn off the bedside lamp and then rolled on his side. Not five minutes after Steve had fallen asleep, Bucky whispered, "When are we going to tell people?"

"What?" Asked Steve in a sleepy and confused voice.

"About this." Bucky said, gesturing to him and Steve. The Captain sat up in bed and his friend continued, "I know that everyone at work pretty much knows, and so do the people in our hall. They can't find it normal that I, just a friend, live with you in your apartment with your two kids. But, when are we going to go public?"

Steve sat up, "Not now. Maybe in a couple years. I don't think it'd be wise to rush. We've only been together for about five months, anyways."

Bucky nodded, but Steve could tell he was still a little sad. The Captain kissed his boyfriend's cheek, "I promise we will, okay? Just not now." And with that, the two fell asleep, but Steve couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he had been to have Bucky on his side. After Claudia had died, Steve had been pretty messed up. He had thrown himself into work, ignored the twins as they cried for their mother in the night, and refused help from anyone. It wasn't until Bucky made an intervention, that Steve had changed.

It had been about six months after Claudia had died from cancer, and Steve was throwing himself into work. The team had noticed how he didn't laugh anymore, how he diverted questions asked about Finn, Beckett, or Claudia, and how he refused their help or sympathy. Eventually, Bucky became tired with it. One day, Steve was alone in one of the many rooms, pouring himself into a new battle plan, when Bucky stormed through the door, slammed Steve into a chair, and started to yell.

"What the-Bucky, what are you doing?" Steve protested, struggling against the push of Bucky's metal arm. Captain America may be a super-strong, serum-induced soldier, but against the Winter Soldier's hydra arm, he was practically useless.

"This is called an intervention, Rogers. You have lost yourself these last six months. You need to get over it, you need to start paying attention to Finn and Beckett, you need to start laughing again. The whole team misses your silly side-smile, Rogers, and we all want back those witty, stupidly-sarcastic remarks. You need to get over yourself, find someone new, and get back to your family." Bucky grated out while his coal-black eyes pierced Roger's defeated soul.

Steve's sky blue eyes filled with tears, "Find someone new? How am I supposed to do that, Bucky? I met Claudia by working when I saved her from that stupid fire. Remember that? I was walking home, I saw the fire, and I carried out as many people as possible. While everyone else thanked me for their life, Claudia yelled at me for throwing myself into the flames like I wanted to die and for tearing her purple t-shirt. How am I supposed to find someone else like that? Someone with spunk, sternness, sympathy, and love." Steve grabbed a hold of Bucky's t-shirt, "How, Bucky?"

The Winter Soldier stepped back, defeated, released Steve from his grip, and started to walk out the door. Just before he was about to leave, he mustered up the little courage he had left, when he said, "I think I can help, Rogers."

"With what?" Choked out Steve.

Bucky turned away from the door, stormed towards his best friend, straddled his impossibly-long legs around Roger's hips until he was practically on his lap, and grabbed Steve's pale face in his hands, before saying, "With finding someone for you." And that was when the Winter Soldier kissed him. And the Captain kissed him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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