blue- new headphones (he loves listening to music, but he loved you more knowing that U know what he loves)
pink- vans (you just saw them at the mall and you thought about him)
red- jacket (so maybe he lets u borrow it and rock it ;))
green- hoverboard (you had one and he didnt. maybe u guys could go on a romantic ride)
yellow- skateboard (you just love being there when he falls...)
purple- tshit ( you just thought he would look hot in it) thats not bad,is it?
orange-(alot of chocolates!!)
black- a heck of a night (" what would be better than spend the night together" u say to him)
Zach Herron imagines and preferences
Fanfictiontittle says it all!!! includes gifs, pics, and moments you will want to scream so loud like your more than a fan girl!! hope you enjoy! it might also include a page of a pic of him saying/doing something awesome!