Hey guys! Thanks so much for the support and all. Love I guys so much.
I don't know if you heard but I have this book. It's called "somewhere along the way". Obviously about Zach Herron and y/n(you🙃) living there time of there life's.
So plz go and read it. It won't let u down I swear. If u wanna imagine more amazing times with Zach,girls, I ggoooott uuuuu.
"Somewhere along the way" a Zach Herron love story
(If u guys have any ideas for any imagines, you can text me or comment and we'll talk.)
Zach Herron imagines and preferences
Fanfictittle says it all!!! includes gifs, pics, and moments you will want to scream so loud like your more than a fan girl!! hope you enjoy! it might also include a page of a pic of him saying/doing something awesome!