1 - New Number

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(This book has a Spotify playlist called 3:00 am Original Playlist by Joanna Tiller)
My parents split, and well I didn't wanna admit it, but I miss my dad, and he just wouldn't pick up with my regular number, so I got a new one.
My second alarm rang, so I stuffed my second phone back into my bag, and stood up from my bed. I walked over to my bathroom, and checked myself one last time in the mirror before walking out.
"Mom, I'm leaving." I called out.
"Alright, Jade. Take care." She gave a small, sad smile, while playing with the ends of my hair. I looked down at her, and flashed a small smile quickly, before turning around and going through the door to the garage. I unlocked the door, along with my black truck, and hopped in.
I plugged the AUX chord to my phone, and pressed shuffle on Spotify. As I drove to Starbucks, The A Team by Ed Sheeran played.
"Oldie, but Goldie. "I muttered to myself.
I pulled up to Starbucks, got my coffee, and drove to school.

The kids at my school started to flood the campus, and park their vehicles. I did the same, and grabbed my stuff before taking the keys off the ignition, and getting out then locking the car behind me.
I walked towards the doors, and straight to my locker.
Shoving all my books into my locker, I grabbed only the necessary ones, and closed it before heading to Sikowitz's class.
I walked in with everyone else, and the shruggers before we took our seats. Of course, I moved my seat over so that I wouldn't be sitting next to Beck since we broke up.
The bell rang, and soon enough Sikowitz walked in.
"Good morning little mutants! " He exclaimed with a thick pirate accent, holding his coconut. He laughed like one, and I sighed in boredom.
Nobody responded to his little burst, so he went and dropped his bag to the side.
"Alright! Now, it's time for bad news. " He clasped his hands together seriously.
"They found out coconut juice makes your hair fall out?" Rex asked.
Sikowitz started to wheez with laughter, before switching to a serious look.
"No. We're going to do an acting excercise about giving bad news. "
"Why? " I asked furrowing my brows in confusion.
"Why?" He mocked. My eyes widened, and I was seriously wondering who wazzed in his cereal this morning.
"To teach you that acting often involves making choices about how to say things, for example how do you give someone bad news without making it seem bad?" He smiled.
Cat raised her hand, and spoke.
"By telling them in a language they don't understand! "
"No, Cat! " He happily objected. "Just come up on stage here. "
Cat rose from her seat, and he called up Robbie, too.
"And now, your partner in this little acting excercise... "He walked to the back door, and opened it letting a little boy walk in.
"Tanner, come in. "
The boy walked in with a shy look on his face, and stopped in his tracks beside Sikowitz.
He shut the door, and placed his hand on Tanner's head.
"Everybody, this is Tanner; a young boy who lives next door to me. "Sikowitz explained with a smile.
I smiled, and everybody else welcomed him.
Sikowitz started to lead him to a chair, and Tanner sat down. He then went up on stage and joined Cat and Robbie.
"Alright! Cat, and Robbie... Here's a card with some random bad news for you to give to Tanner. "He said, proceeding by giving them a card from the board.
"Got it! "
"Okay! "
"Good! Now, improvise a scene where you have to give Tanner that bad news in a way that doesn't upset him." Sikowitz explained as he stood behind the young boy and rested his hands on his shoulders.
Cat then whispers something in Robbie's ear, then he goes and grabs his guitar.
I sat back, and watched in amusement waiting to see what they have planned.
Robbie strums his guitar a little, and tried to sing on key with Cat before they started.
They both turned to Tanner, and started.
"This kind of news is always hard to tell someone.. "Robbie started.
"Really hope it doesn't break your heart... " Cat continued.
"But somebody ran.. "
"Yeah somebody ran.. "
"A woman, or a man.. "
"Maybe in a van.. "
"Somebody ran over your go-cart." They sang together.
"It got crushed! " Robbie exclaimed.
"It's unfixable! " Cat said with a smile on her face.
Robbie strummed his guitar to end the song, and we clapped.
"Yes! Now, that's how you give bad news, see? The boy is smiling." Sikowitz bubbled.
"Yeah, that was really cool, did you guys just make that song up right now? " Tanner asked.
Cat, and Robbie nodded with smiles on their face, and Sikowitz came back with a box on wheels in his hands.
"And now, Tanner this is for you. "Sikowitz announced.
Tanner stood up, and checked the contents of the box before picking up something from inside.
"My-My go-cart! " He wailed.
"Sorry, at night your parents' drive way looks a lot like mine. " Sikowitz mentioned with a hint of awkwardness in his voice. "Now, off you go. There you go.. "He kicked Tanner out, leaving him sad with a broken go-cart wheel in his hands before shutting the door.
"Wait! You really ran over the boy's go-cart?" Tori questioned with worry lacing her voice.
"Three times, " Sikowitz confirmed. "I thought it was a racoon!"
She sat back in exasperation, and I smiled thinking this was hilarious.
"Take your seats. " He said then took back the guitar from Robbie.
"Alright, now let's talk about the new play I'm directing. " He purred.
"Do I get to star in it? " I asked with my arms crossed.
"Uh, I think it's my turn to star in one of Sikowitz' plays? " Andre spoke as he turned to me.
"What are you talking about? " I asked furrowing my brows.
Everyone then started to talk about starring in his play, talking over each other.
"Now, you see? Everytime I cast a new play you all get your panties in a pretzel. " Sikowitz commented.
"So this time, " He turned back, and grabbed a small box and brought it to the front. "you people will choose your own roles. "
He brought the box to Andre, and let his pick out a paper that said what his role was gonna be.
" 'Tommy. 10 year old identical twin brother of Carter.' " Andre read out.
He then brought the box to Beck who then also picked a paper, and read it out.
" 'Carter. 10 year old identical twin brother of Tommy.' I guess we're twins. "Beck turns to Andre.
"Then momma's got some explaining to do. " Andre answered as he turned to us girls. Beck chuckled, and Sikowitz then brought the box to me using airplane sounds.
I cringed, then shoved my hand in, and pulled one out.
"Uh, 'Nancy. Loving wife of astronaut Walter Swain'. " I read out.
He then airplaned to Tori who did the same.
"'Astronaut Walter Swain. Husband of.. Nancy.'" She turns to me, and I nearly choke on air.
"I'm supposed to play her wife?!" I blurted.
"I'll just pick another card. "Tori says then goes to put her card back in, but Sikowitz moves his box away from her and walks to the stage.
"NO! My box, has spoken! " He boomed, setting the box down by the board. I looked over at Tori, and was now crushed by this play. My emotions were anger, and disappointment, because I never liked Tori anyway, but now I have to play her wife in this play?
"Uh, Sikowitz I think I heard something moving over there with the go-cart parts. "Andre pointed out.
Sikowitz slowly walked towards the box, until a racoon climbed out.
"I knew it! " He exclaimed as he pointed at the racoon that was scurrying to the window.

I walked out of the bathroom, and down the stairs to make my way towards my locker until I stumbled into Tori Vega.
Looking at her, she furrows her brows, and waits for me to say something since I stood in front of her and stopped too.
"I don't wanna be your wife in the play. " I began.
"Well, I don't wanna be your husband in the play. "She retorted placing her hand on her hip.
"Oh! " I walked away, but not far enough to not hear her mock me.
"Oh! "

I went home around 12 at night after hanging out with Andre and Cat after school at Karaoke Dokie and noticed my mom drinking a glass of wine as she stood by the fire place checking her wrist watch. She was wearing a black dress with flats, and had her hair done nicely, but not too fancy. I shook my head, and went up to my room. When I shut my door, I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped everything I was doing, and listened closely.
I couldn't quite make out who it was or what they were saying, but it was a man's voice.
Quickly opening up my door, I jumped out, and ran down the stairs.
"Dad! Dad?" I reached the bottom, and looked to see it wasn't my father.
My mom looked at my with a worried look, while the strange man beside her smiled.
"Uhm, Jade. This is-This is Jacob. He's a special friend of mine. He wanted to take me out to see the stars on his boat." She smiled.
"Hi, Jade. Your mom's told me so much about you. I'm Jacob. "He smiled and went for a handshake. I looked at his hand then back at his face before quickly running up to my room.
I slammed my door shut, and sat on my bed. My stomach clenched in sadness, and disgust.
Right then, I knew I had to call my Dad. But for what? What do I tell him? That-That my Mom is seeing someone else? He doesn't care.
I grabbed the vase that was on my desk and threw it at the wall in anger. How can she be dating another man? I know I should understand this, I'm seventeen, but still! She's my mom, and everyone else is just gonna hurt her because she's a pushover!
3 am rolled around, and I was sitting on my window's couch, and I looked at the city of Los Angeles. It was beautiful, and it brought me comfort knowing that I had opportunities in front of me. People would die for my position, and yet I felt somewhat ungrateful because I'm sad in the city of Angels. I wanted to leave for a while, while everyone else wanted to come for a while.
My phones were in front of my feet. I picked up my new one, and felt the tears prick my eyes as they started to brim up.
I opened up my phone, and opened up the text app.
I had no numbers to text, but I knew the others' numbers. Andre was okay, but I didn't wanna talk to him about this. Beck, and I broke up, so I couldn't tell him. Cat would not understand my situation, and Robbie is just weird. So, I texted the only person I could go to who hasn't told anyone I've cried in front of her twice.

'You know me, but you don't. I go to school with you, and we're technically friends, but I kinda don't like you. Anyways, you're probably asleep and will probably never read this because it's a new number and you probably block the unknown numbers from your phone, but I just needed someone to talk to. I'm sad. My parents split, and I've split with my boyfriend. I live with my mom though. Anyways, my mom started dating this guy named Jacob, and I couldn't handle seeing him kinda taking my dad's place. It sucks, you know? Just, ignore this. Good night. -J

Send. I walked over to my bed, and turned the AC on, before crawling under the covers, and crying myself to sleep.

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