Chapter 5 Ex-best friends duel part 1

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Yusei's Pov Yusei I have a feeling something is going to happen today. Y/n said as we walk to class. What do you mean? I asked. I don't know. But can I use your deck, please? She starts to pout. You know I can't resist your sad eyes. I groaned. Thanks, Yusei! She kissed my cheek. I blushed. She realized what she did and blushed. We walk into class. We have a new. YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A girl with pink hair and blue eyes shouted at Y/n. Yuzu. Y/n said going pale. You're the reason Yuya broke up with me! Yuzu glares at Y/n. Me? I am the reason you and my so-called ex-boyfriend broke up? Please, Skank! Look in the damn mirror! Try and take the blame yourself instead bitch! Y/n snapped. Why you. Yuya glared at her. I broke up with you. Because we were a mistake! Get over yourself! Yuya snapped. I rather have Y/n as a friend than nothing! Yuya spat at her. Nothing will get through to her. Y/n said. Let's duel since it will be the only way to get through to you. Y/n said and walked down the stairs. They stand on the stage. Ready Yuzu? Y/n asked. Ready to beat your ass freak! Yuzu sneers. Stage time! Y/n said. Let's get this started already! Yuzu snapped. Let's duel! Both Y/n and Yuzu said. I'll start off! Y/n said. I summon Lunalight Blue Cat in attack mode! I then Summon Violet Witch in defense mode! I place two face downs and end my turn. Y/n said with a glare. My turn! And I will beat you freak! Yuzu sneers. Keep talking like that Yuzu and you will get nowhere bitch. Y/n said. I was your best friend! Yuzu gasped. Yet you had the nerve to betray me. Y/n said her voice filled with hate. I summon Canon the Melodious Diva in attack mode! We aren't little kids anymore Yuzu! That plan won't work on me! I changed up my deck since you last dueled me! Y/n shouted. Dammit! Yuzu thought. I end my turn. Yuzu said. Why thank you! First I active my trap card Lunalight Reincarnation Dance! If one of my monsters is destroyed I can add up to Lunalight monsters to my hand! Y/n said. And since you only have one monster out on the field. Lunalight Blue Cat attack Canon the Melodious Diva! Y/n orders. Yuzu's monster got destroyed. Yuzu loses 500 life points and gains 400 life points. Alright, go Y/n! Kari cheered. But I'm not done yet. Y/n said with a smirk. Mom I hope you are watching me. Y/n thought. Violet Witch attack Yuzu directly! Y/n orders. Violet Witch attacked Yuzu directly. Yuzu loses 400 life points and gains 300 life points. I send Violet Witch to the graveyard to Summon. Blue Rose Dragon in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. Y/n said. I watched with a wide grin on my face. My turn then. Yuzu said rolling her eyes. Why was Y/n friends with her in the first place? I asked. Yuya looked at them. At one time. They did care for each other. But I made a mistake getting with Yuzu. I am happy to have Y/n as a friend. But I don't deserve it. But for some reason. She forgave me. I don't plan on screwing that up this time. Yuya said. But I don't think she is ever going to forgive Yuzu. What do you mean? I asked. After I made the worst mistake ever. She started to treat Y/n badly. She called her a freak and a loser. But Y/n can beat Yuzu. She beat her before when we were kids. Yuya said. I summon Freya, Spirit Victory in attack mode! I place one face down and end my turn. Yuzu said. Yuzu. We don't have to fight. Please. I still care for you. Y/n pleads. Shut up you freak! Yuzu snapped. Tears well in Y/n's eyes. I twitched annoyed by this girl. How dare she make Y/n cry! I thought angrily. Wait. I'm in love with Y/n! I thought, blushing to myself. Alright then. If you want it that way. I won't be nice any more Yuzu! You better be ready! Y/n shouted at her.

Y/n's Pov Alright then. if you want it that way. I won't be nice any more Yuzu! I better be ready! I shouted at her. Her eyes softly for a while before glaring at me. Fine! So be it! She said. Does she still care for me? I thought to myself. My draw than! First I summon Evil Thorn in attack mode! Then I summon Lunalight Purple light Butterfly in defense mode! I place two face downs and end my turn. I said. Fine then!

I summon Aria the Melodious Diva in attack mode! Then I summon Dark Magician in defense mode! I end my turn Yuzu said. Her dark Magician had a cold look. I flinched back. Y/n don't freeze up! Show her your not that girl anymore! Yusei shouted. I blushed. Mm.. Yuzu smirks. You like him. He's kinda cute. Maybe we should make a bet. Yuzu smirks. No! NO! YOU WON'T TAKE YUSEI AWAY FROM ME LIKE YOU TOOK YUYA FROM ME!!!!! I glared at her. Game on bitch. I glared. I activate my spell card first! Mark of Rose! NO! Yuzu gasped. That's right! I control one of your monsters my whole turn! I smirked. Then I activate my Trap card. Rose Curse! I said. NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuzu shouts. I'm not that weakling anymore Yuzu! I'm not that little girl you can push around anymore! Get ready to be creamed! I shouted. Y/n. Yusei said surprised. Do you like her? Yuya asked Yusei. w-What!? Yusei said blushing. I don't have feelings for Y/n! She's just a friend! Yusei blushes. Yeah right. You like her. Yuya said rolling his eyes.

Who will win? Y/n or her ex-best friend? Read to find out!

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