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July 31st, 1980

A quiet knock on the dark somewhat hidden door of the small cottage startled it's only inhabitant and caused the man to scowl. He angrily got up and walked towards the door, his black cloak swirling around him muttering about 'blasted muggles'. He angrily swung the door open and was equally as surprised as he found a small blue basket atop his stoop. His eyebrows furred as he moved slowly closer noticing the the basket now had whisps of raven hair and a small nose which resembled his own. His eyes widened in horror as he noticed the full body of a newborn baby along with a piece of rolled up parchment. He looked around before quickly picking up the basket and all it contents and quickly walking back into his home, shutting the door quietly as to not wake up the child. The baby was placed gently onto the couch as he picked up the parchment moments after. He dropped the paper to the ground and looked in shock at the sleeping newborn on the couch. "How..." he muttered before gently grabbing the baby and heading into the fireplace. He grabbed floo powder and threw it down yelling out his destination. "MALFOY MANOR!" When thé whooshing of the floo finally settled the small paper which he had dropped unrolled slightly revealing a few carefully written words. 'He's your son Sev. He was born a few moments ago, you may name him whatever you desire just please don't let them get to him. You know it's not safe. I wish I could be there but I'll see you both soon! With love...' the last part was unreadable due to the fact that the paper had rolled into the fire and was now becoming ashes.

Malfoy Manor

Severus Snape arrived at the manor and quickly rushed past the house elf trying to take his coat and into the family room where he knew the whole family would be. Narcissa sat on the ground smiling happily at the bubbling blonde baby boy who sat on a green blanket holding a small toy wand, which he shook happily causing green sparks to fly out. They all stopped and looked up at the wide eyed Severus as he rushed in without warning.

"Severus? What's wrong?" Narcissa questioned while getting up to her feet and grabbing her son along with the green blanket. "Lucius!" She called out while walking over to a small blue playpen and placing the baby gently into it. Lucius walked in quickly already knowing that Severus was there from the shift in the wards and looked over at his best friend.

"Severus?" He raised an eyebrow at the mans appearance knowing that he wouldn't be there in only a household robe unless it was an emergency. His eyes then landed on the basket which Severus held. "What's that?" Severus was then shocked out of his stupor and walked over to one of the couches before settling it down. Narcissa was the first to walk over to him, her curiosity getting the best of her. She inhaled sharply when she realized what was in the basket and looked to the man for permission to hold its contents. When she received a curt nod she gently moved the soft blanket away from the baby and picked him up gently. She cooed at the baby and took in his appearance while watching her husbands eyes widen in shock.

The baby had soft dark brown almost black hair which curled up around his face. Along with this he had a nose similar to Severus' own and small Cupid's bow lips. He actually looked exactly like Severus except for his slightly darker skin and the tuffs of hair which Narcissa brushed gently away from his sleeping face. "He looks exactly like you," she whispered rocking the sleeping child and caressing his soft cheek.

"Where did he come from?" Narcissa glanced up at the question from her husband and watched Severus take a deep breath.

"He's mine." Both elder Malfoys gaped at the man as he looked at the boy in Narcissas arms.

"How?" Lucius sat down on the couch and kept glancing in between the small child and his best friend.

"I think you already know the answer to that." Lucius stared at the boy for another moment then his eyes widened slightly showing his recognition of the baby's other parent. He then furred his eyebrows and looked back at Severus. "Really?"He questioned. Severus nodded his head and accepted the baby back from Narcissa holding him in his arms carefully like he was a piece of glass. Narcissa laughed lightly and moved his hands around so he was cradling the baby.

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