Chapter 9

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Hadrian immediately noticed the change in temperature as they walked further into the dungeons. His ancestor must have had something in mind when making the Slytherin dorms in such a cold and secluded area.

They stopped in front of a portrait that had a large snake coiled up, looking ready to strike.

"The password is 'Naga Wing'. Don't forget it." The prefect said. They entered the slytherin common room and were hit by the warmth and comfort of it, a complete contrast to the environment they were just in.

A fireplace was on the wall, surrounded by chairs and couches of silver and green. The whole room had carpet which was black, and there were two staircases, one going up and one down. The prefect stood in front of them.

"The rooms are seperated by year. First years on the bottom floor, and so on. The common room is in between the fourth and fifth year floors, so once you graduate from fourth year, you will be moving up two levels.

"Each student has there own room because we don't divide girls and boys, however you are allowed to share a room with one other person if you wish. Be courteous to the other gender, or you may not have this privilage anymore. You can choose your own room now, but be back here in half an hour to listen to Professor Snape." The prefect finished. Hadrian walked with Draco down the stairs to the bottom floor, which then entered into a long hallway.

"I'm taking this one." Draco said as he stood in front of the door closest to the stairs. Hadrian continued walking down the hall, until he came upon the very last room.

"You don't want to go there." Someone said from behind Hadrian.

"And why not?"

"That was the Dark Lord's room when he was in Hogwarts. He always chose the last room down the hall, so nobody ever goes in them. He even marked each door with dark magic, claiming each room with the brand TMR. No one knows what it stands for, and we don't intend to try and figure it out."

"I'll take it then." Hadrian replied, and opened the door. He heard the person snort in exasperation, and run off.

His father's room was very different from the rest he had seen. Instead of the silver carpet that was in the others, it was black, and there was white furniture. The scheme seemed to be monochrome. The bed was black with white pillows, as were the couches that circled the fireplace. There was a large pillow in front of the fireplace too, which seemed to be for a snake. His trunk was at the foot of the bed.

"Zolton." Hadrian called out.

"Yes master."

"Put all of my things away. I'm going to take a shower." He ordered, and walked off to the bathroom after leaving Draka on the pillow.


"Hey Hadrian, what's that scar on your forehead?" Draco asked as Hadrian walked to the common room. His eyes widened slightly and he used a quick spell to dry and style his hair. He had forgotten that the front of his hair stuck up when wet, which left his scar out in the open.

"Nothing." He responded sharply. Draco shrugged, and let it go as they entered the room.

"Welcome to Slytherin, first years. I am Professor Snape, the potions teacher and the head of Slytherin. We snakes have appearances to keep, and that brings up rules.

"All arguments stay in the common room. Slytherins must stick together when out in the castle, for we are a unified house.

"There will be monthly room inspections, so as long as you keep your room clean you won't have detention for the whole year.

"The only other rule is that, if you're going to break the rules, don't get caught. That is all." Snape finished, and left the room.

"Severus is actually really great once you get to know him. He's my godfather, by the way. That's how I know him." Draco said haughtily.

"Hm." Hadrian sighed. "I noticed another professor during dinner, the one with the turban. Who is he?" He asked.

"Quirrell? He's the new Defence professor. They say the position is cursed, so he'll be gone by next year." Draco passively said.

Hadrian quietly contemplated the dark magic that had been surrounding the man, before following Draco out.


Okay, the next chapter is going to be about Dumbledore's reaction. Hope you liked the chapter!

Amber Silverwood

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