Chapter 33

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Salazar had no answer as to how his animals were different from his mother's, so he went to Ash. And even then, the white haired man was very vague.

"It could be many different reasons, so you'll just have to find out yourself." Ash said. Hadrian sighed, and left for the library.


"I am sure you all know why we are here. Minerva, why don't you begin." Dumbledore said.

"The students have been great, and the first years are doing very well. However, I have found that many of them look up to Mr. Riddle for help and advice. It is rather unnerving how he smiles at them when they ask for help. It's like he's planning something for them, but I don't know what." She said. Sprout was the next one to speak.

"I agree with Minerva, but not that he is unnerving. Hadrian is a very good student, always helping his peers, even the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors! He is a very good role model, and I find it difficult to believe that you think he is some spawn of the devil." She stated.

"And of course you would believe that. Riddle may be good at what he does, but he is a simple minded fool that believes he is better than everyone. I find it repulsive." Snape snapped.

"I have found that he is quite the opposite." Lupin said, speaking for the first time. "He is a very good student, working very hard, and doesn't gloat when he gets a spell on the first try. I think he is my best student." He said. No one dared tell him that Hadrian was the Dark Lord's son, in fear that he would report back to the other werewolves.

"Thank you Remus. It is always good to hear positive things about the students." Dumbledore smiled, eyes twinkling. Lupin smiled back shyly, accepting the praise.

The meeting continued on, mostly revolving around Hadrian, and almost always coming to the same conclusion.

Hadrian liked kids.

It started with the fact that he would help them out. Minerva always noticed the look on his face, one of peacefulness and tranquility, as if that was the only place he would ever want to be. He would always correct their mistakes in a calm and understanding voice, and not once did they talk back to him. The kids adored him, and would always listen to what he had to say.

It was a blessing and a curse.

Everyone, except for Lupin, knew that Hadrian was the son of Voldemort. So the fact that he could sway children to follow him meant that all of the kids might turn dark for him. Even the ones from light families.

"Is there anything else to be said?" Dumbledore said, ready to close the meeting.

"Might I ask, why you are not keeping a better leash on him." Snape asked with an eyebrow raised in question.

"Mr. Riddle is a student, and so I don't have much control over him, Severus. I only know so much about his parents, but they never appointed someone godparent as far as I know."

"I believe that Lucius and Narcissa are the godparents." Snape mentioned.

"How did you come by this information?" McGonaggal asked, surprised.

"In the year before the Dark Lord's fall, there was a ball to celebrate the marvelous heir. They were appointed godparents there." He snapped.

"Thank you Severus. Now that we are all done, why don't-"

"Who is the mother?" McGonaggal cut in. Dumbledore gave her a surprised look.

"I thought you would know, since they were inseparable in school."

"Xerthea!" McGonaggal exclaimed. Dumbledore nodded.

"Thank you all for coming, and have a good rest of the year." He closed.


In his room, Hadrian finally had a chance to take out all of the Deathly Hallows. As he stepped out of the pocket with the items, he saw that Ash had left, before shrugging it off and placing them on the bed.

They looked perfect together, with the silky texture of the cloak and the smoothness of the stone and wand. As he picked up the wand, he could feel the power coursing through him, and he felt more connected to it than his Black Yew wand.

Ash suddenly appeared, pupils dilated and a heated look on his face.

"What happened to you?" Hadrian asked. Ash licked his lips.

"I made those items, so they're connected to me. I can feel what they feel. And I just felt the most delicious magic ever." He said, walking up to Hadrian. He backed away from the advancing man, not liking where this was going.

"Ash?" Hadrian asked quietly.

Ash was suddenly on top of him, sucking on his neck and licking the skin. Hadrian gasped, grasping the sheets in his fists.

"Ash. Get off." He muttered, weakly pushing on the man. Ash suddenly bit down, sending a shock wave of pleasure down to Hadrian's groin. He felt something inside of him changing, shifting with the pleasure, and he was suddenly in his mind, looking at a mirror.

He saw himself, but then the image changed. He was wearing a cloak, a white cloak, that looked strangely similar to that of a dementor. But dementors were black, so why was his cloak white?

~•~•~•~•~ (Minutes Earlier)

"Hadrian won't discover his animal without a shove. He has too complex a personality. He is much like the dementor, cold and willing to take a life when they want, but also like a wolf, fiercely loyal to those he loves, even if he doesn't know that it's love, and also a leader. He is willing to overthrow the hierarchy to be on top. Give him that shove. For him." Marvolo said. Ash nodded.


Here are the final votes!

Dementor - 9

Arctic Wolf - 9

Thestral - 6

Snow Leopard - 5

Black Mamba - 4

Crow - 2

Nargle - 2

Because I know that a lot of you wanted the wolf, I decided to mix the wolf and dementor. You'll see how it plays out in future chapters! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

(PS - Wolf is such a cliche, I had to change it somehow!)

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now