Chapter 1

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*Currently happening*
I was holding on to the plane that the Vulture was hijacking and i was knock into a propeler.

F/n:"AHHHHH." *Time froze*

F/n: so i beat your wonder whats going on and why are we here and why im in this situation right now well im gonna tell everything where it started.

* 8 years ago*

Construction workers were tearing down the alien ships, weapons, and vehicles from the Chitauri attack.

Blonde hair guy: "come on people work up the pace here." Stops to see on of his co workers having trouble."Look you gotta use there weapons against there own stuff." He uses the weapon to knock off the cores. But as he starts to check on the others until a group of people called S.H.I.E.L.D. cancelled there operating of work. But as they were sent back home fired they went to a warehouse they were thinking of what there gonna do since they didn't had a job anymore. Until the blonde hair guy said somethings about it time to change.

*8 years later*

A truck was driving by but before it could possibly hit a girl with black hair with red highlights a man in blue and a red hoodie with a spider logo on the front stopped the Truck with his bare hands.

Girl: "Thanks who are you anyway."

???: "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."

As Spider-Man said that he leaves swinging from a web

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As Spider-Man said that he leaves swinging from a web. As he left the girl started to think of who he is under the mask.

*A couple of months later* (Your POV)

I was walking back home from school and i was checking YouTube of the video of me stopping the truck and as i walked inside i see my aunt talking to Tony Stark and i was silent because the person i admired is here. As we were talking he wanted to recruit me for a mission to stop Steve Rodgers a.k.a Captain America. But as i got to the location i dressed in my suit.

 But as i got to the location i dressed in my suit

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F/n: "alright f/n you got this you got this". I was about to walk out but Happy stopped me asking.

Happy: "whats that."

Spider-Man Homecoming  (Ruby Rose x male reader *Peter Parker*)Where stories live. Discover now