Chapter 12 "Unsteady"

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Stiles' POV

While Ali and Lydia were off at the mall, I had other plans for Scott and I. I wanted to take matters into my own hands when it came to this new werewolf pack. If Kate wanted Allison, she was going to have to go through me first.

"Stiles I can't touch any of that stuff, it has wolfbane on it, oh god I don't like that look in your eyes. " Scott said.

"Look, man, we've been through a lot of shit. Wouldn't you agree? I'm just taking precautions, if anything." I smiled at him.

"Yep, that's the look I'm talking about." Scott sighed as I unpacked the rest of my backpack back at my house.

"You know crossbows, daggers, and mountain ash are not the kind of party gifts I was thinking about for Lydia. But I mean if you think she'll like this stuff." Scott said sarcastically.

" should be a comedian. " I said back as I looked at the crime board on my wall. I was trying to piece together the final part of my plan. That didn't involve Allison's werewolf hunter family. They have a different way of handling this then I did. If I got them involved, Scott would be the first one targeted.

"Look, Stiles, Lydia said one normal supernatural free weekend away. I mean I promised her man. Maybe just leave that stuff in the car." Scott begged me.

"Fine, but I'm going to bring it. I'm not counting on us getting through a weekend without something horrible happening. This is Beacon Hills man, not Laguna Beach." I said as I pulled more red yarn from the spool to add to my board.

"Alright now for the fun stuff! What are we drinking!" Scott said as we packed the rest of the stuff. A little after that we met up with Allison and Lydia to pack the rest of the cars. We were driving up to the lake right after school tomorrow. By the look on Allison's face when I saw her, I knew it was going to be a long weekend.

"Stiles" Allison said that night as I was about to drive her home.

"Yes?" I said as I grabbed my keys.

"I wanna stay here tonight." She sighed. She pulled my sweatshirt she had been wear over her dress, so that sleeves were covering her hands.

"Of course Ali, can I ask why?" I said back to her.

"Lydia told me something could happen tonight. I don't want to be alone. I don't think I should be." She said looking at me.

"Oh my god of course not! What did she say was gonna happen?" I asked her.

"I could get hurt Stiles, look this isn't your responsibility. But I just didn't want to be home alone if someone broke in." She said back to me.

"You're not going to get hurt, I'm here. I'll telling my dad you're moving in if that's what it takes." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Just promise me one thing tonight Stiles." Allison said as I kissed the top of her head.

"Anything." I said back.

"We watch the Last Jedi and role-play after." Allison said breaking the tension in the room. I smirked at her.

"So should I marry you now or wait till after college." I joked as I carried her down the steps to the living room. If there was one thing I knew about Allison Argent, it was that she was never scared unless she knew she had to be. I felt like tonight was one of those times.

Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight, or maybe ever again for that matter. Whatever I had to do to protect this girl I would. So what if I'm human, humans do bad things too.

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