Jonahs POV. I woke up the next day and wore this^^^^ with black ripped jeans and band bracelets and a black ring on my middle finger.Then i went downstairs and grabbed my house key and left for school {time skip] i'm at my locker just putting my books away then i hear a voice next to me "hey" i turned around to only see corbyn standing in the middle of the hallway "h-h-hey" i said sounding dumb "so i saw you looking at me in class the other day" he said with a smirk "o-o-oh um ya i w-w-was j-just l-looki-n-ng around and ya" i said putting my head down i was blushing so hard everyone was staring at meh ugh! he noticed and turned around and said "hey! leave him alone and get out of here" everyone hurried in to random classrooms.He turned towards me "So i saw {just relized saw is was backwards i'm sooo dumb lol} you go in to Mrs.tepper's office" he said that must be the consoler's name "y-y-ya"i said while still looking down "Why did you go there anyways?" he said "personal reasons" i said "really well what are those resons?" he said "u-um j-j-just some things that happened back were i lived" i said "well can you tell me?"he said "w-well u-um i don't know" i said "come on you can trust me i won't tell anybody i promise" he said should i tell him i don't know hes just a stranger i met today but i do trust him but why?
TiMe SkIp Of WhEn I tOlD hIm YeEt
"soooo ya thats what happened" i said finishing my story " wow thats just terible hey i go to go but see ya later?'' he said "okay"i said i started walking away but then he stopped me and handed me a peace of paper i opened it and his number on it i quickly got a pice of paper and wrote my number on it and handed it to him the ran away o gosh
Corbyn's POV.
i feel bad for him but i pretended that i didn't tell him i new about the story but he told me it and now i feel angry really angry so i told i had to leave but before he left i gave him my know just for emengencys but then before i left he ran up to me and handed me a peace of paper then ran away i unfolded it i saw a number maybe his i laughed for no reason so then i got in my car and drove home
TiMe SkIp
i got home and just calapsed on my bed bed and went to sleep to day was a long day
comment,vote,like and i need suggestions for my next story and will update next chapter